Chapter 37: Mia

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It's Friday and Sienna had messaged me yesterday asking if I was free for our girls' day. I have the late shift tonight so I don't start until 7pm which leave the whole day free. She had planned and booked for us to get manicures and facials first thing this morning and then Christmas shop which is great because I haven't even started.

We meet at the spa where we are getting our facials. I walk in and the smell is amazing, it is so relaxing, I can tell already this is going to be a great girls days. The others have already arrived and are waiting inside for me. We go into a private room that has 3 stations set up, one for each of use. Sienna has already said this is her Christmas present to us but I'm going to insist on paying because this does not look cheap.

We all take our seats and there are 3 ladies come in and get started on our facials first. We all just sit back and relax. Then then start on our pedicure and us girls talk about what our plans are for Christmas. It was decided a couple of weeks ago that we were going to get together on Christmas eve to celebrate before everybody goes to their families on Christmas day. Ella and I are just staying at home and celebrating the day together like we always do. Ethan asked if I'd like to go with him to his house but I don't feel comfortable going there because of what happened at Thanksgiving but I didn't tell him that. I said that I just wanted to spend the time will Ella, which I do. It's been just us for the last couple of years and it's been nice.

Raya is flying out to Chicago on Christmas morning and Alex and Sienna are driving to Alex's parents I'm New York for a few days before going to Miami to see Sienna's family. After we have finished being pampered we get shopping. I manage to find a few things for Ella but still have no clue for Ethan, I even get the girls to help but they don't know either. What do you get the guy who can buy himself anything whenever her wants.

We walk into a lingerie store and Sienna suggests I get a set and give it to Ethan for Christmas, which isn't a bad idea at all because I know her loves when I wear anything lacy. I find this beautiful set that the lace is so soft to touch. It's navy blue and is pure lace over the breast making it pretty much see through. It comes with matching thong and garter belt. I know it will drive Ethan wild. I make the purchase and we have finished shopping for the day.

Once I'm home, I need to shower and get ready for work straight away. I really didn't think we'd be gone all day. I look at my phone and notice I have a message but I don't recognise the number

Don't think you can hide from me forever.

I freeze in my tracks, it can't be. How would he have gotten this number. I delete the message and block the number and try to forget but I know deep down who sent it, I just hope he only has my number and doesn't know where I am. I try to put the message into the back of my mind, I need to get to work. I keep telling myself he doesn't know where I am, this is just a game to him. He's trying to make me worry and it's working.

I get to work on time but I know I'm not doing great tonight, I made so many mistake with orders that my manager has put me on clearing duties for the rest of my shift. I can not get that message out of my head, what if he finds me, what will he do to me. I don't want to think about that but I can't help it.

I'm looking at every person I pass, every person hiding in the corners because he could be here already, I need to stay alert. Maybe I need to leave Boston before he actually catches up to me. I need to protect Ella. Shit Ella. What if he gets to her first, I have no idea what he is capable of. I can feel my heart starting to race and I'm finding it hard to breath. The music around me is so loud, I look around and everybody is looking at me. I can hear somebody saying my name but I can't do this, I need to get out of here.

I run into the bathrooms and into one of the stalls and lock the door behind me. I sit on the seat, my breathing is still short and fast and I can feel the tears running down my cheeks. I close my eyes because the room has started to spin. I can't do this, I need to leave before he gets to Ella. We need to leave, I can't let him get to me, to us. I need to get home; I go to stand but my legs just give way under me and I collapse to the floor trying to control my breathing, but it's not working.

"Mia" I hear my name being called from the other side of the door. "Mia" I hear again. I reach up and unlock the stall door and it slightly opens. I see Sienna and Raya standing there with concerned looks on their faces. I'm still trying to calm my breathing but my mind is still going a hundred miles a minute worried if Ryan does know where I am. I can't imagine what they thing of me right now.

"Hey hey hey, look at me" Sienna crouches down in front of me. "Mia, breath with me, in and out" I try and listen to her voice and do as she is asking me as she repeats this over and over again. After a couple of minutes, I have calmed down and my breathing is back to normal. "Come on, lets get you home" Sienna and Raya don't ask any questions, they drive me home and I tell them I don't need them to walk me up to my apartment. When I enter, Ella isn't home, I head straight to my room and crash. My body is exhausted, I just hope that Ryan really doesn't know where I am because for once I am happy and I don't want to have to run from all of this.

I wake up the next morning still feeling exhausted and still worried. I grab my phone from beside my bed and see that I have a text message. I begin to panic until I realise that it is from Ethan. But then panic starts again, did Sienna tell him about what happened last night? How am I going to explain what happened? I open my phone and see the text from Ethan

Good night beautiful. Can't wait to have you in the stands tomorrow in NY

I let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding, he doesn't know but maybe she didn't see him last night, maybe he was already asleep by the time she got home. I'll just have to wait and see if he says anything. I need to get up and get ready for the game, the bus leaves in 2 hours and I still have to walk and get my car from work where it was left last night. Without wasting any more time, I get out of bed and start to get ready.

After my shower and getting dressed, I grab my phone and wallet and head out the door to walk to my car then go straight to the college to get on the bus that they have hired for the students to travel on. I notice that I have another message, but this one is just from Sienna seeing how I am feeling this morning. I really need to stop panicking every time I get a message, I'm going to go crazy if I do. 

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