Chapter 8: Mia

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Sitting in my room at my desk, finishing off the last of my homework so I can go, and play will Ella, if she's finished her homework too and that's a big if. Homework isn't a priority for a 10-year-old.

The warm breeze blows my curtains softly and I can feel the sun beating through my window. My desk sits in the corner of my large bedroom. The walls are a soft pink that matches my bedding. A large bookshelf with every shelf full sits next to my desk.

A soft knock on my door draws my attention away from the math problem that I'm trying to solve. I look over and see my mum. "How's the homework going, do you need any help?"

"Good, only have this one to go but I am stuck, so if you could help. Do you know if Ella is nearly finished, we'd planned to go out to play in the treehouse?"

"You know her, she still has a bit to go. I'll ask her to come get you once she's finished" she says as she makes her way into my room and looks over the questions that I'm stuck on.

She helps me work out the answer. My mum is always so helpful. If I need anything, she's there for me. I can talk to her about anything and everything. Unlike my dad, he's always too busy with work to spend any time with me or Ella. He always says that I wouldn't have everything I do if he didn't work, because apparently money is more important.

The lack of time I spend with my dad has decreased over the past few years. I now only really see if at dinner, if he makes it home in time. He's always gone to work before I wake up and never comes to say goodnight. And well the weekends are just another workday for him. But at least I have my mum, she is always there for me.

After I've finished my homework I decide to lay on my bed in the warm sun and read one of my favourite books. I grab the book form the book shelf and flop down on the double bed and roll onto my stomach and start to read. You can tell this is one of my favourite books, the pages are bent and that smell you get when you open a book has gone and I only got it a few months ago on my twelfth birthday.

After about 15 minutes Ella come bounding into my room and jumps on me. I scream at first as she scared me, she's in a fit of laughter while she tried to hold on to me and I attempt to push her off my back and I join laughing with her because even though she is younger than me , she's strong.

We make our way out to the treehouse that our father build for us and is at the back of our property. We climb the rickety ladder that probably needs replacing and make our way up high into the tree. We have blankets and pillows scattered on the floor and a few of our toys over I the corner.

We normally come up here to just talk and catch up. I look out the window across the green grass with trees scattered and the bright blue sky in contrast. There were mountains in the background and mansions close by. But we do own a lot of land, so they aren't too close.

"Oh, we forgot to get snacks" I say "I'll be right back, any requests?" I already know the answer, gummy bears, that's Ella's go to whereas I can't go past anything chocolate.

"Gummy Bears please" see I already knew.

I make my way back down the ladder and towards the house. I run as fast as I can past the pool and up onto the back patio. I stop instantly when I hear the sound of glass shattering and my mum scream.

I make my way quietly towards the door, trying to stay out of sight of whoever was inside with my mum. I really hope she's ok. I peak around a pillar and look from the glass doors. I notice my dad in the kitchen and I let our a sigh of relief. They must have just broken something by accident, but what was dad doing home this early.

I go to open the door, when I hear him start yelling at her. He's slowly walking closer and closer to her as she slowly backs away. I can see the tears running down her cheeks and she has her hands in front of her, she looks scared.

"The kids are in the treehouse, please just please calm down. I'll do whatever you want, just don't let them hear" my mum pleads while sobbing and I can see the fear in her eyes.

"I don't give a dam about the kids" he yells are he grabs her arm roughly. He pushes her down to the ground and stands over the top of her and bends down looking her straight in the eyes "You'll go up to our room and wait for me and you better be ready when I get there" he orders as he pulls her up by her hair as she shrieks and shoves her towards the stairs.

And then my dad turns my way and looks me in the eyes. A sadistic smirk appears on his face and he storms towards me. I should run but I'm frozen in my place. The door flies open "Keep your mouth shut" then he slams the door closed and marches up the stairs.

I sit up suddenly letting out a scream. My breathing heavy and I'm covered in sweat. My door flings open, and Ella comes running into my room and wraps her arms around me as I begin to sob on her shoulder, while she rocks me back and forth.

"He can't hurt you anymore. It's ok. I'm here. He can't hurt you"

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