Chapter 10: Mia

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Having a few days off work has helped clear my mind and I'm hoping that all my work colleagues have also forgot what happened on Sunday, I really don't want them to question me. Sienna and Jake have both been messaging me to see how I'm feeling with only Jake knowing exactly what happened. I'd told Sienna that it must have been a 24 hour bug preventing further questioning, as long as nobody that was on shift said what actually happened about me running out the doors. Jake had promised me that people hadn't been talking but maybe they just weren't saying anything around him.

But with all that pushed out of my head, for now at least, I need to work, we need the money I make to pay for the apartment and food, so I don't have any other options than to get back to it no matter how embarrassed I am.

Having to walk today because Elle needs the car, I made sure I left with enough time to get there so I wouldn't be late. The sun was still shining as I walked along the uneven footpath taking in my surrounds and listening to the odd car drive-by and the light breeze blowing through the trees.

As I walk through the doors to the bar, I keep my head down as I make my way into the staff room to put my stuff. Sienna is at the bar working already as she started an hour ago. As I make my way over towards her, she lifts her head and smiles so naturally to me "Hey, how are you feeling?" she asks as she makes her way towards me.

"Much better, thanks" I reply with a small smile. So far none of the other staff have looked twice at me so I'm hoping that Jake was right in that nobody is talking about me.

The bar is much busier than a normal Wednesday night but that's probably because the manager decided to have cheap drinks between 6 and 8 to try and increase business, and I can tell you it worked. There are so many people here, not just for the cheap drinks either, most of them are eating too so the chef was getting frustrated and angry because the manager didn't put extra staff on in the kitchen only out the front for service.

I'm clearing one of the booths when a familiar voice behind me says "Hey Mia, I see you reserved this table especially for us" Jake smirks as he puts his arm around my shoulders, giving me a side hug. I give him a smile, Jake seems like a really nice guy. I've only worked with him a couple of times but he is somebody really easy to get along with. I notice that he is with Alex, Ethan and a few others that I saw at their apartment the other day. "Just for you Jake, just for you" I joke as I walk away with the dirty glasses after making sure the table is wiped clean.

I carry on working for the next hour and notice that Sienna keeps glaring towards the table with Alex and the others. They have been joined by a few girls, who may I add are wearing really short tight dresses leaving nothing to the imagination. And they are all over the guys, including Alex but he does seem to be trying to keep his distance but they obviously don't get the message.

"You alright Sienna" I ask because I can tell she is getting annoyed at the girls trying to get all over her man.

"I will be in a minute" she smirks as she grabs a beer from the fridge and walks towards Alex.

I watch as she walks over to the booth and table that has now been joined due to the extra people. She's heading straight to Alex with a huge smile on her face and a beer in her hand. She goes up behind him and drapes her arm over his shoulder and down his chest, bending over so her head is level with his. She puts the beer on the table and at that time Alex turns his head towards her and she doesn't waste any time showing these girls that he is a taken man. Their lips collide and I watch as the faces of the girls look on in shock.

She pulls back slightly after the heated kiss and whispers something in Alex's ear before standing back up and walking back to the bar with a massive grin on her face.

"Hopefully that will get them to stop, now let's get back to work" she laughs

Not long after, Sienna and I are behind the bar when Ethan comes up to get some more drinks.

"You think you can help get them to stay away from me too Sienna" he askes with a chuckle at the end

"Sorry Ethan, I'm not going to kiss you and plus, it wasn't so long ago that you loved all the attention. Pretty sure you've already slept with most of the girls at the table" she points out as she gets a beer out of the fridge for him. So, Ethan is a player, that doesn't surprise me. He literally has girls throwing themselves at him and for good reason.

He takes his beer from her, and he doesn't look happy at the comment she just made.

"Well I've changed and you know why I was like that. And since you won't help me out, I think I might stay here at the bar for a bit, they are getting really annoying, especially Brooke, and I just wanted a quiet night with the boys, she just won't take a hint that I'm not interested it her." He defends himself while taking a seat. Still not sure I believe him, I've seen how much attention he gets plus he's like a stereotypical good looking rich kid who gets everything and anybody he wants, when he wants. I've seen it all before.

"So, how are you feeling Mia, Jake mentioned you went home the other day not feeling too good?" He turns to face me, and it took me a while to realised that he was talking to me even though he said my name.

"Much better, thanks" I answer while continuing to wipe down the bar, as it has quietened down and we are cleaning up now, so it doesn't take as long later.

"How are you liking the area so far? I know you've only been here a week or two, have you been able to have a look around?" Ethan questions me and I look up and see his piercing blue eyes staring straight at me with a friendly smile. He makes me feel comfortable around him and I really don't know much about him.

"Haven't had much time to explore yet, been busy with work and making sure my sister has everything she needs to when uni starts. Unfortunately, the bills don't stop so work is a priority. How about you, how is your summer break going?" I ask resting my elbow on the top of the bar and my chin against my hand

"Well, when you get some spare time, I'd be happy to show you around if you like?" he answers with that lopsided smile that you can see the dimple on one side. "Breaks been ok, not doing much other than hanging out with friends, preparing for uni, and hockey practice."

"Mia! Can you go clear some of the tables outside please" Sienna shouts from the other side of the bar. I give Ethan a small smile and grab a cloth "Duty calls" I say as I make my way outside to clear the tables.

It's a clear, warm evening so stepping outside into the fresh air with a slight breeze is relieving. There is nobody else outside so I gather all the empty glasses onto one table and stack up the plates ready to carry them back inside. I hear the door open, but don't really take much notice until I'm picking up the stack of plates and I turn around and bump into somebody.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" luckily I didn't drop anything and I notice that it is one of the girls that has been at Jake's table all night. Her platinum blonde hair is straight, make-up that would have taken hours to apply, and she is wearing a tight red dress, that barely covers her arse with a deep V front that I swear, I have not idea how her boobs aren't falling out, paired with a strappy pair of heels that I would definitely fall over in.

"Stay away from Ethan" I must have a confused look on my face because she scoffed and continues "You're not his type and he's already taken. Don't think that you can come in here and just steal my man."

I raise my eyebrow up in surprise. I'm speechless, absolutely speechless. I have no idea where she got the idea that I was trying to 'stealing' Ethan, I admit he's very good looking but I've had all of 2 conversations with him, I hardly know him. I just stand there in shock "Watch yourself" she bitterly states, as she turns around and walks back inside as she flings her hair over her shoulder. I have no idea what just happened.

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