Chapter 9: Ethan

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The cold air is a stark contrast to outside the arena as I make my way inside with Jake and Alex. With it still being summer break, there are only about half the guys here training because it's not compulsory for the next 2 weeks. But these first few weeks are all about fitness.

Making my way into the locker room for the first time this season and it's so familiar. The sounds of skates on the ice, I can still hear the crowd from our last home game last season. Even though we didn't make it to the Frozen Four, we had a great team and all worked together. We've lost a couple of players since they were seniors but have recruited a few freshman that have promise.

We put our hockey gear down and head straight to the weights room, where we are beginning our training today. I hope on a treadmill for a quick warm-up jog. Everybody does their own thing in the gym in pre-season. We each know what we need to do.

I start off with some light weights and steadily increase the weight over the next hour whilst chatting with some of the guys in between sets. By the time I'm done, my arms are sore so I know its been a good work out. Next, it's time to hit the ice.

The sound of my skates hitting the ice for the first time in a couple of months is like music to my ears. Coach calls all of us over and explains the drills we'll be working on today, mostly fitness with a little skill.

We are currently doing sprints across the ice and my leg muscles are shaking and feel like they are about to give, but I have to push, can't let a little pain get in the way. This is nothing compared to what it's going to be like in the NHL next year. We've already been at it for 2 hours.

The sound of a whistle makes everybody stop and we all bend over trying to catch our breaths.

"That's it for today boys, see you all tomorrow" coach yells across the ice.

I slowly make my way around the rink a couple of times to cool down and catch my breath. Making my way into the locker room, I head straight for the showers. The hot water sooths my aching muscles and all I want is a nap.

Once changed and ready to go, a few of the guys are talking about going out for a drink tonight.

"Hey boys, you up for a drink tonight?" Zac asks us as we walk towards the doors.

"Where we headed?" Alex asks because I know that if they say the bar where Sienna is working, he's in.

"He just wants to know if he can check on his girl at the same time" Jake jokes around with a small chuckle, thinking the exact same thing as me.

"Sure he can, that where we'd headed. Meet you guys there at 7. Catch ya later" Zac answers as we reach our cars.

We make our way back to the apartment for some lunch, which I know I'll be the one to cook as the other 2 would burn the kitchen down, yes we've had a few close calls in the past. Throwing some vegies and chicken into the pan, I make a quick and simple stir fry. Making our way to sit on the couch to eat, Jake turns on the TV to ESPN and there is a replay of a basketball game on providing some background noise while we eat.

"So Ethan, you going to be my wingman tonight, you know the bars going to be packed with sexy chicks? You might even find someone to hook up with." Jake remarks with a slight laugh. See I'm not the type to do a casual hook up even though many girls basically throw themselves as me. Most just assume because I play hockey and I'm friends with Jake, but that's definitely his thing, not mine.

"You know that's not my thing. I'm just going for a quiet drink" I state as I get up to take my plate back into the kitchen. See I was in a relationship for just over a year that ended in sophomore year and after that, I was exactly like Jake, randoms girls, a new one every week. I didn't care about them or how I treated them. It was just sex to me and nothing more. That lasted about 6 months when I realised it just wasn't me and that I only did it to get over what had happened to me. I didn't want to feel anything, I just wanted to have some fun and unfortunately the reputation I got during that time, is still hanging around.

"Yeah yeah we know and lets be honest, I don't need a wingman to get laid, the ladies are practically begging to get some of this" he laughs as I make my way back to the couch. And I can't help but join in laughing, he is way overconfident, but I guess it is true, he doesn't have any problems pulling a girl for the night.

"Oh I better text Mia and make sure she's right for her shift tonight otherwise I might be on the other side of the bar from you guys tonight" Jake mentions as I sit back down on the couch ready for an afternoon nap.

"Yeah, Sienna said she went home not feeling great the other day. Hope she's alright, Sienna seems to have taken quite a liking to her and she's normally pretty picky who she's friends with" Alex mentions

"She seems really nice, a bit quiet for Sienna I would have thought since she likes to party. Seems to keep to herself but I've only worked with her twice and don't really know much more about her plus it's a bonus that she's hot as hell" and I have to agree with Jake there, she is hot, no absolutely gorgeous is a better way to describe her and I feel like I want to get to know her.

Secretly I'm hoping she is working tonight, I might be able to talk to her a bit although she will be working, hopefully its not to busy that I'll be able to make small talk but I can't make it to obvious otherwise Jake will be at me getting the wrong idea. Don't get me wrong, the thought has crossed my mind but I really know nothing about her, but I have a plan to change that and it all starts tonight. 

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