Chapter 39: Mia

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It's Christmas eve and I'm so happy. I normally don't like Christmas because it reminds me of my mum. Ever since she passed away, Christmas was never the same but this year is different, I finally feel content with my life. I have Ethan and a great group of friends; Ella is studying at her dream university and I haven't received any other texts from an unknown number so I don't think I have to worry about him finding me.

The last 3 weeks have been super busy and stressful. Work has been insanely busy in the lead up to Christmas as expected. Everybody had their final exams for the semester and the boys are now on a break for a few days from training. Ethan and I haven't been able to spend a lot of time together but when we have, it's been amazing.

I get ready for the morning because I have to go to the shop to pick up the ingredients I need to make my mixed berry cheesecake. I get dressed and grab my heavy jacket, beanie and scarf. There is a light snow fall falling today so I decide to walk because I love the snow. I make my way down the sidewalk towards the shop, with the snow falling lightly around me, with it tickling my face when it lands. This brings a smile to my face.

Once I reach the store, I pick up a basket and make my way around looking for everything I need. Since I don't come to this shop very often, I need to go up and down every aisle. As I go down one of the aisle I notice it's the personal hygiene aisle which I don't need anything at this time. But I stop in my tracks, thinking about when the last time was I had my period. I grab my phone from my pocket and open up the calendar. Shit, it was due 4 weeks ago, how the hell did I not realise I was late. Yeah, I have been working long hours and been super busy but this is not like me at all.

Ethan and I have always used protection so maybe this is just due to stress and everything since I have been extremely busy these last few months. That has to be it, I can't be pregnant. Can I? I find the tests and grab one of the boxes, I need to know for certain. I have been tired lately but I just put that down to work, I have had no sickness or any other symptoms. I keep telling myself that it is just from the stress but I can feel myself starting to panic. I race around the shop grabbing everything I need for the dessert and make my way home as fast as I can. I need to take this test to be sure.

As I open our apartment door, I notice that Ella is still out, she met up with some friends from brunch. I'm not sure that it's a good thing she isn't her or not. I am starting to panic, what if I am pregnant. What do I do? Before I get ahead of myself I need to take the test. I quickly pack away the groceries that I brought into the fridge, I will have to quickly make that later.

I go into the bathroom and lock the door. Looking down at the box, I take a deep breath. I can do this. I have to do this. I open the box and take out the test and read the instructions. Seems pretty simple, pee on the stick and wait 5 minutes. Ok, one last deep breath. I unwrap the stick and do as the instruction tell me to. Now its just a waiting game.

This is the longest 5 minutes of my life, I am pacing the lounge room. I set the timer on my phone and placed the test on the table upside down. I really should have started on the cheesecake while I waited but I'm not sure I can concentrate while waiting. I keep going over in my head, all the what ifs. If I'm not pregnant then great, I just keep going on with my life, nothing will change. But if I am, my life is going to change. I have no idea how to be a mum, I don't even know if I want to have kids, I don't even know if Ethan wants kids. Crap, Ethan. What is he going to think? We have only been together a few months, he's going to the NHL next year. Oh god, what will his father think. He already hates me just for being with Ethan, he's going to think that I got pregnant on purpose, oh god. This can't be happening. I can feel my heart starting to race.

I need to sit down, I'm starting to panic. What is everybody going to think of me. My heart is racing and my breathing is ragged. I try to calm myself but its not working, then my phone timer goes off. This is it, the moment of truth. What that tests says might change my life forever. I reach out and grab the test from the table and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and then another. I turn the test over in my hands and slowly open my eyes. Positive, it's positive. I'm pregnant.

Then the front door opens and bangs against the wall. It's Ella and she looks panicked.

"We have to go now" I can hear the worry and urgency in her words and see the fear in her eyes as they flick to the test that is in my hands. What is happening?

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