Chapter 12: Ethan

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Summer break is officially over and I'm so not ready to go back. I've really enjoyed just hanging wit friends these last couple of months with no stress about exams or hockey and not going back home was a great decision. No way would I be this relaxed if I have been with my dad, not that he would have actually been home that much and I do miss mum. Sometimes I wonder why how they got together since they are such opposites.

Even though I have already been signed into the NHL, I still want to graduate so I have a fall back just in case anything happens. The first week back is pretty relaxed in class as it is just going over the syllabus for the semester.

Hockey training is now in full swing with daily sessions either on the ice or in the weights room, sometimes twice a day. We are all so pumped about his season especially Alex, Jake and I since this will be our last. We have a pretty good chance at making it to the frozen four with a good solid first line and a few freshmen and sophomores stepping up to replace the guys we lost last year.

It's only lunch on day one and I'm exhausted already, you'd think I'd be used to this by the 4th year but apparently my body got into the summer break routine and now I have to snap it back to reality. Early morning practice was brutal, coach is pushing us harder than he has before and my body felt it. I just wanted to go back to bed but I have an 8am class and then a 10am.

Walking to the café where we'd all agreed to met, I was going through my socials. I have a few messages and snaps from the boys about training today, all feeling the same as I do and a few new messages in our group chat. I make it to the café and take a seat outside as I'm the first one here. I delete all the messages and snaps from girls who just want me for who I am. There are 6 just from Brooke, mainly half naked pictures of her with an invitation to met up. I hooked up with her once and yeah she has a slamming body but I was going through a rough time, I hooked up with a lot of girls over those months. A relationship or even a hook-up, is not in my mind at the moment, I need to concentrate on hocky and make sure I don't let the Bruins down having signed me before the end of college.

The sound of a couple of chairs scraping on the concrete being me out of my daze. Sienna and Raya take their seat whilst arguing about something.

"Ok, Ethan, your opinion" Raya starts as I look up from my phone "We are having a girls movie night tomorrow and Sienna here wants Alex there. That completely defeats the purpose of a girls night, not to mention that I then feel like a third wheel. Come on you have to back me up on this one?"

I look between the two girls both eagerly awaiting my answer. Why am I the one who gets roped into answering these questions, can't they just work it out themselves. Luckily for me Jake rocks up.

"So how's the first day ladies and gent?" he askes getting okays from all of us. Then Raya repeats the question asking both me and Jake this time. She just won't drop it but I can also understand, we have organized guy night before and Alex has insisted on Sienna coming and its not the same so I'm honest.

"I agree with Raya, if its girls night it should be just girls" Jake nods his head in agreeance with me. Sienna huffs not liking our answer but it's the truth.

"Why do you have to have girls night anyway, just come to our house and we can all hang and watch movies together, then Raya won't feel like a third wheel cause Eth and I will also be there. You can still do all the girly shit like facemasks if you want. We'll order pizza and chill for the night?" Jake pipes up and both girls look at each other thinking about the compromise that Jake offered.

"And if its ok with you guys, I'll see if Mia wants to come. I've been hangin out with her a little over the last couple of weeks. She's doesn't really know anybody here and I think she'd fit in well, she seemed to when she came to the party the other week anyway." Jake added and Sienna agrees 100%

"As long as it's just the 6 of us, I don't want a party or any of that shit, we have early practice the next day, remember" I look at Jake with a knowing look. Whenever he says its just us, he always turns it into a party "If other's turn up, they will not be coming in the apartment, got it?"

I am actually looking forward to tomorrow night, we haven't had movie night in a while and it will be nice just to chill after the first few days back at uni. Plus as a bonus Mia will be there. There is something about her that just makes me want to get to know her more. And by the sounds of things, Jake definitely wants to get to know her too. I have never seen or heard of him just hanging out with a girl just because except for Sienna and Raya, but they don't count. I'm just wondering if there is something more going on between them that he is not letting on. 

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