Chapter 20: Ethan

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After spending the last couple of hours with Mia, I make my way back home. I finally feel that she is opening up to me a little. She is still cagy about her past and her family other than Ella. I'm not going to push, if or when she decides to tell me about her past, I'll listen. I know there is more to her story.

Making my way into the apartment I notice the boys sitting on the lounge with the basketball on the TV each with a beer in their hands. I make my way to the fridge to grab one for myself and then go sit on the lounge settling in for the rest of the afternoon.

"Where have you been? Didn't your classes finish before lunch today" Alex questions me while not taking his eyes off the TV.

*Yeah they did, I was just out having coffee with a friend" and I just know that I'm about to get a million and one questions because I normally don't just go out for coffee with friends especially when my 2 best friends are sitting her with me now.

*What's her name?" Alex asks again this time actually looking at me. I glance over to Jake who is trying to hold back a laugh. I've talked to Jake about Mia and what happened when we were skating and when I walked her home yesterday so he knows who I was with.

"Mia" I state, then take a slip of my beer and turn my head to look at Alex. His face says it all, he's in shock. He has be completely unaware of my subtle looks towards Mia when she's around and had no idea about yesterday so his reaction doesn't surprise me.

I'm not sure what else to say so I just ignore the shocked look on his face and go back to watching the TV. Not much else is said on the subject but I can hear Alex taping away on his phone so I'm going to assume he is messaging Sienna and god knows what she is going to say. I know she knows I must have some interest in Mia but she has no idea about what almost happened yesterday.

I can't stop thinking about her and her lips, I was so going to kiss her but have no idea how she would have reacted except our friends decided at that exact moment to arrive. I know I'll get another chance but it needs to be in the moment.

The next two weeks go by in a blur. With our first hockey game coming up we are in full training mode, morning and evening sessions both on the ice and in the gym plus I always add a little extra fitness into my day normally going for a run.

Classes have been full on as well with mid-terms and assessments due. I like to keep on top of my school work because you don't know what will happen in the future so you have to be prepared. I also made time to try and see Mia again. I've managed to see her a few times, mostly with everybody else while she's working but I was able to meet her before work for lunch.

We get along so well, there is never an uncomfortable silence, we always seem to find something to talk about. The more time I spend with her, the more I want to know more about her. We have organized to all go to a fair that is in town tomorrow. Jake keeps making sly remarks about how I'm a coward because I won't ask her out but I'm just enjoying how we are at the moment, I don't want to push when things are good how they are.

I have been messaging Mia most nights lately just saying good night or asking how her shift is when she's at work so tonight is no different, I know she's at work tonight so I don't actually expect an answer before I crash.

Hey, how's work going? Get a good nights sleep, remember we have the fair tomorrow. Let me know if you need a ride

After I hit send, I go into the bathroom and get ready for bed. Once I'm back in my room and laying in my bed, I turn the lights out when I hear my phone go off.

Slow night, already home. And yes I remember, how could I forget when you remind me daily. I'm actually driving the girls there tomorrow but thanks for the offer. See you then

I'm a little disappointed that I won't be driving with Mia, I would have likes to spend my time just us but I still get to see her so that's a bonus. As I drift off to sleep, I think about how I can actually ask Mia out on a date. I think we know enough about each other now and I'd like to make sure she is aware of how I am actually feeling. I can see us together but I'm not getting ahead of myself yet. I don't even know if she feels the same but by the look in her eyes when we where skating there was something there, I'm just not sure what. I just hope it's the same as I'm feeling otherwise I'm not sure I'll be able to be around her.

When me and the boys arrive at the fair, we know the girls are already here because Sienna let Alex know. There seems to be a lot of people here already and since it's a Friday night that we kind of expected. Once we get our tickets and meet up with the girls we decide to go on a few rides first.

I'm not really a thrill ride type of person but since if I didn't go the numbers would be odd, I felt obliged when we had to go in pairs. I mainly got stuck with Jake was Alex and Sienna always coupled up and so did Raya and Mia.

"So, you gonna make your move tonight or what?" Jake asked while we are waiting in line. I look around hoping nobody else heard. Luckily nobody is paying attention to our conversation so they don't "I can see the way keep eying her, or are you gonna chicken out?"

"I want to, I just don't know how? What if she doesn't have any feelings for me and just wants to be friends?" I sigh just thinking that she might not want anything to do with me after this. The line moves slowly towards the ride and we should get on next turn. "But it's not like I can do anything in front of everyone"

"Leave that to me" he smirks obviously with a plan "Just trust me but you can't waste the opportunity I get for you"

The night sky is slowly getting darker with the sun just setting giving the sky a pink shade. There are a few stars starting to be seen as the sky is clear of clouds. After a few more rides, its around dinner so we decide to go get something to eat and have a look at the games. Nobody ends up winning anything so we decide to hit the rides again, this time some slower ones. We think by the time we do these rides a couple of times and maybe back to the thrill rides again, it will be time for the fireworks.

The first ride we go on is the ferris wheel, as we are standing in the line, Jake gives me a nudge then starts to move forward between Raya and Mia "Hey Mia, mind if I ride with Raya on this, you've been hogging her all night" he laughs as he puts his arm around Raya's shoulders. Ok this is my chance.

"I'll go with you Mia, Alex could probably use a break from me anyway" Sienna speaks up. Fuck this is not going to plan but I can't exactly say no I want to go with Mia, the girls will get sus. I look between Jake and Alex trying to get them to say something, anything to change this and finally Alex comes to my rescue "No babe, this is romantic as hell, look at the sun setting. You're coming with me" he pulls Sienna back into his arms.

Sienna looks at Mia and she gives her a slight nod of her head before turning to me "Guess we're going together" she says with a shy smile while looking down at her feet. I can't help but smile, I'm finally going to get time alone, we'll sort of, with Mia. I can't stuff this up. 

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