Chapter 3: Mia

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I wake up with a warm sun pouring through my windows, I forgot to close the curtains last night. I slowly try to open my eyes but the brightness to too much and I put the pillow over my head with a groan. I'm not normally a morning person, since I've worked a lot in bars and pubs, most of my shifts are at night and my body have because accustomed to this and I like my sleep ins. I make a mental note to make sure I close my blinds from now on.

I make my way out to the kitchen and notice the Ella is already up, dressed and enjoying breakfast. The smell of fresh coffee hits me and I can feel the tiredness leave my body already. After I quickly get changed, we are ready to go.

We are able to walk to the campus, which is why I picked this apartment because Ella then can make her own way to campus when she needs to and I don't have to worry about here having to rely on public transport.

When we arrive at the campus is it peaceful, being summer break there isn't many people around. We stroll along the tree lined paths, taking in the tall buildings and green open spaces and find the enrolment building.

We talk to the lovely lady that gives us a map of the campus and she shows Ella where most of her classes are likely to be. We take our time to wander around enjoying the warm sun on our faces. We find a small coffee shop just on the side of the campus on our way home to stop and have some lunch.

It's a cute little café natural timber floors, mix match tables and chairs to give it that homely feel. We make our way to one of the booths along the windows. Our sever comes over and takes our drink order and gives us the menus to look over.

"So, what do you think for the campus?" I ask Ella

"It's just as I imagined. I can't wait to start in a couple of months' time. Make some friends and start studying towards my degree" she has smile plastered across her face and I can see the enthusiasm just radiate from her. This is her dream and has been for year. I'm so glad she had made it here.

Not long after we order our food and just talk about anything and everything. When we are close to finishing up, I can tell Ella has something on her mind, she was never good at hiding it.

"Ok, spit it out, what's up" I question her. She looks uneasy and I begin to worry.

"I've been thinking" she pauses for a little bit and my mind races a hundred miles an hour as to what it could be "I think I want to get a job. I can't keep relying on you for everything, I'm about to go to college and I need to start pulling my weight and help. You have supported me for the last few years, it's time I help, I can't keep being dependent on you, it's not fair"

This was not what I expected, to be honest I wasn't sure what to expect. I sit there stunned and a smile slowly creeps onto my face. It makes me proud to be here sister and know that I have help shape her to the person she is today, responsible and independent.

"That sounds like a great idea, as long as it doesn't interfere with your studies". The smile on her face tells me this will be good for her, for us.

We make our way back to the apartment so I can get ready for my second shift at the bar. It's a later shift today and apparently Thursday nights are beyond busy. Making my way to the bar, I pull into the carpark and can already tell, its going to be a hectic night, the carpark is already half full and it's only 5 o'clock.

I go into the back and put my bag in my locker. There is another girl in there that I didn't work with last night. She's beautiful, long blonde hair in gentle waves cascade down her back, crystal blue eyes and caring smile.

"Hi, I'm Sienna, you must be Mia" she smiles at me with a small wave "Jake told me you'd be working tonight, he said you're gorgeous and I can say I agree. We're pretty good friends, he's my boyfriend's best friend, well one off them. We both work here during summer break and pick up the occasional shift during semester"

A blush rises to my cheeks, nobody has even called me gorgeous before. I compose myself and say hi back before we both make our way to the bar to start our shift. I'm more behind the bar tonight, serving drinks along with Sienna.

I enjoy working alongside Sienna, whenever there is a lull in work, we manage to have small talk and get to know each other a little. Although I keep most of my past to myself, I tell her the basics such as I moved her with my sister so she can go to college, the general stuff without much detail. Nobody needs to know my past and the real reason we fed our family home.

Towards the end of the night, we are packing up the bar and making sure all the tables are clean for the next day. I'll only Sienna, myself and the manager left.

"Hey, you're not working on Saturday, are you?" Sienna asked

"No, have the day off" I reply

"Great, you can come to a party with me and met my friends, well my other friends, you already know Jake" she laughs

My anxiety levels start to rise, a party, I'm not a social person, this is very social. I can feel my heartrate increasing and my breathing shallow. I'm speechless, I don't know what to say. I grab hold of a chair to steady myself, so I don't fall.

"Hey, it's ok if you don't want to, I just thought since you just moved, it might to nice to meet some new people" she comes over the holds my shoulder and says in a calming voice. "It's up to you, there will only be about 20 people there, its not really a party, just a small get together with a few friends, but its totally up to you"

"Can I think about it?" I ask with a shaky voice, still trying to calm my breathing and settle my heart from beating so fast.

"Of course, here let me give you my number and if you decide you want to come just text me and I'll let you know the details, ok"

We finish cleaning the bar and I make my way home; Ella looks like she is already in her bedroom for the night. I enter my room and the first thing I do is shut my curtains; I don't want a repeat of this morning. I lay down on my bed and can't stop things about Sienna's offer, I know I should make a few friends and she seem so lovely, I'm just not sure how I'll cope. My eyes get heavy and before I know it, I'm asleep.

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