Chapter 30: Mia

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I've messaged Ethan to see what I should be wearing and all he has told me is comfy, warm clothes. I have no idea where he is taking me or what we are doing but I have decided that I need to tell him about my past and if an opportunity comes up tonight then tonight is the night. I want to move forward with him. I like spending time with him. I know he cares and we have such a good time when we are together. And I really missed him over the past week, it felt so nice being back in his arms.

I decided on a pair of sweats and his hoodie that I never gave back after ice skating. I also put on a beanie as it is getting mighty cold outside. Just before 7 there is a knock on my door. I walk over and look through the peep hole and see Ethan wearing something very similar to me so I know I'm not going to look out of place where ever we are going. I swing open the door and the smile on his face brightens. "Hey you" he says as he leans down and gives me a quick kiss "Ready to go" I nod and grab my bag that is sitting next to the door.

He takes my hand in is and intertwines our fingers as we make our way down the hallway to the stairs. This just feels so natural being with him like this. As we approach his car, he lets go of my hand and opens my door and closes it once I am in the seat. He rounds the car and gets into the drives seat.

He starts the ignition and puts the car into drive and his hand comes to rest on my thigh. The tingles that I'm feeling right now arrgggh. He's just too perfect. "So where are we going?" I ask. "Its a surprise but I'm sure you'll love it"

We drive out of town to an area that I'm unfamiliar with, with the radio music softly in the background. He makes a turn in to what looks like a driveway that goes up a hill. There is no lights or houses or anything out here. Now I'm wondering what's going on. As if he could sense my doubt Ethan says "Don't worry, my family owns this land and what I want to show you is just a little further"

He pulls up and I can see why he wanted to come her. I walk forward and can see the city lights from high on the hill where we currently are. The city skyline twinkles against the night sky and the pitch black of the ocean in the background. It's so beautiful up here. I'm in ore of the sight before my eyes.

I feel arms wraps around me and a lean back into his chest. Ethan places a kiss on my cheek "This is my favorite spot in the city. I come here when I just need to get away from everything."

"Its beautiful. How did you find this place" I question him. "My family owns the land but they never built here. Now come sit, I bought dessert"

I turn around to see a picnic blanket with pillows and blankets laid out with a box I'm assuming is filled with desserts. I walk over to the blanket and sit down and Ethan sits down right next to me but not quiet touching me. He opens the box to reveal an assortment of brownies, cupcakes and strawberry cheesecake, all my favourites. I can't help but smile, he did this for me. All for me. "Thank you for all this after how I treated you the last week" I know I needed to apologise to him again for that because it never seems enough.

I reach my hand up to his cheek letting my thumb stroke his jaw. I slowly bring my lips to his. I start off slowly and he lets me take the lead. We move our lips in sync with each other and I reach my hands into his hair and pull slightly causing him to groan. I use this to move my tongue into his mouth and let our tongues tangle together.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his lap so I'm straddling him and I can feel his length against my core. I move my hips so I'm grinding against him as he deepens the kiss.

This feels so good and so right but I know I need to talk to him before we go any further. I pull back whilst pulling his bottom lip between my teeth. "As much as I would like to continue this, I think it's time I told you about my past". He doesn't say anything just nods but also doesn't let me go, his arms are still wrapped around me holding me in his lap. I move myself and sit beside him and look out at the spectacular view, I don't think I can look at him while telling him this. He's going to think I'm weak, broken and want nothing to do with me after hearing this.

We sit in silence for a while, while I get the courage to talk "I know I've said this before, but I had a lot happen during my past and I completely understand if you want nothing to do with me after I tell you this." I stop to take a breath still not able to look at him. "I met Ryan when I was a junior in high school, he was new to the school. We hit it off quickly and began dating within a few weeks. He was the guy that everybody wanted to be with and I felt so special that he'd choose me. He was the football quarterback and he had the looks. He was so sweet and pampered me, brought me little gifts but I didn't realise it was the time, he was isolating me from my friends and making me reliant on him. He didn't like me going out without him, at first I thought it was cute and all but I came to realise he wanted to control me. I wasn't allowed out with my friends, to parties or anything without his approval. I remember there was one night, we'd been together for about 4 months that I knew he was out of town and my friends asked me to go to a party with them and I didn't think anything of it. When he got back later that week, he found out that I went out and that's the first time he hit me." I pause for a moment wishing away the tears that have formed in my eyes.

"It was only a slap that time but as time went on, it got worse. He's hit me for things I don't even know why, it was his way of showing he had the power. I'd have to hide the bruising on my arms and sometimes my neck. I tried to leave him before the start of our senior year but he told me I'd always be his and that I didn't have a choice" I sniffed as the tears began to fall. I felt Ethan put his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him while stroking my arm. "I didn't know what to do. I didn't have anybody I could talk to, my mum had passed away years earlier and dad didn't care about Ella and me. I stayed with him and let him control me all through senior year. All my friends could tell what was going on, telling me to leave, but I wasn't strong enough to follow through with it because if I did, I knew there would be consequences, there always were if I disobeyed him. I know I'm weak and stupid but I didn't know what to do. That's why as soon as I graduated, I ran, I packed my stuff and ran, Ella didn't want me to go alone or stay by herself so she came with me. I'm always looking over my shoulder thinking he'll find me. We found a small town were Ella finished high school while I worked. When she got into Northeastern it was a dream come true for her so we moved here." By this stage the tears are flowing. I couldn't tell him what else Ryan made me do with him, I just couldn't do that. Ethan kisses my temple and I know he wants to say something and I'm dreading what it is. He won't want anything to do with me know, not after finding all this out. We sit in silence with my mind going a hundred mile a minute just waiting for him to talk.

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