The End and The Beginning

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Outside of a convenient store (Y/N) is walking until he receives a call from an unknown number. Thinking that it's from his boss he picks it up.

(Y/N) - "Hello?"

From the other line he can only here whispers and mumbled voices until he finally hears a response.

(???) - "It seems that you are the one we must rely on. Please wait and we will find you."

(Y/N) hears the phone call disconnect so he ends the call and puts his phone away. Only to notice that everyone around him has frozen still as if he was in a movie and someone hit the pause button. He then hears footsteps from behind and notice two people. But these people didn't look like people in fact they had  horns on their heads an aura that was radiating from their bodies.

(???) - "Do not be alarmed young one I am the God of Light and this is my brother the God of Darkness."

Unable to make a single word from his word from his mouth (Y/N) just stood there in shock. Until the God of Darkness finally spoke.

God of Darkness- "Well brother you said I must pick my own champion to see if that world is worth anything. But this one seems to be unable to speak are you sure about this?"

God of Light - "Yes brother I believe he can do it besides you said that you said that you trust me with this. Besides I believe this one can do it. Know as for you I must ask you this will you be able to help us?"

Finally calmed down a bit so he can speak (Y/N) spoke to both gods in a civil tone hoping that they wouldn't notice how scared he is on the inside.

(Y/N) - " I'm sorry but I don't understand what is going on? What do you are you talking about and more importantly why me?"

The God of Light began to show images of what looks like Earth but also not like Earth.

God of Light - "Many years ago we lived here on a planet called Remnant by our creations. We lived among them and were worship by them until one women came to me and asked for me to bring his beloved back to life. I denied her request and she grew frustrated so she went to my brother and ask him for the same request. He then brought him back to life but this caused a conflict between us and almost lead to fight to the death. But we finally came to an understanding and he had realized that we were both tricked."

God of Darkness - "So I corrected the mistake and took the man's life. This only infuriated her and so my brother punished her with eternal life unable to be with her beloved. But she would not give until she got what she wanted so she turned are creations against us and so I took every life and purged it from the world and took away the gift I granted them. So I left the world and restarted once again but with your world and made sure I we didn't involve ourselves in your world directly and constantly only when it came to give you all a push."

God of Light - "So I choose to bring the young Ozma the one that was brought back to life to end Salam's madness and to stop the destruction of the world. So will you help us."

In shock in what he heard he said something that the brothers never heard anyone say to them.

(Y/N) - "Honestly you guys are assholes. You punished everyone not just the ones who betrayed you but the innocent people who knew nothing about what was going on. But then you have to ask someone else to clean up your mess not just one but two people. Listen I'll help you but I don't want you to think I'm doing this for you because you're gods or the fact you created us I'm doing this to help the innocent who are in trouble. So where do I start?"

God of Darkness - "HA HA HA HA! I like this one brother he has spirit that is something I have not seen in a long time. All right young one we will send you to the other world but you will need some power to survive out there otherwise you'll be a meal for my other children. So tell me what do you want remember you only have 2 gifts one from each of us."

Think through his choices he realized that he will need the right tools for the job so he came up with the perfect idea.

(Y/N) - "I have just the perfect idea tell me can you read my thoughts so you can give me these gifts or will I need to explain it to you."

God of Light- "You will only need to think it and we will grant you this gift."

Focusing his thoughts hard enough the gods were able to hear his thoughts and gifted him the power to become Kamen Rider Build. God of Darkness gave him the Build driver and the Rabbit full Bottle and Tank Full Bottle. But the other Full Bottles weren't created. Confused he ask the God of Darkness.

(Y/N) - "Wait were are the other full Bottles I need those to survive out there."

God of Darkness - "Unfortunately I can't create all the full bottles but I have gifted you with the power to create them yourself you only need to focus and to touch the right creature or item to create them. Consider it an extra gift for making me laugh."

God of Light - "As for me I have taken it upon myself to gift you with the power of transmutation. This should make a great cover for your other power."

Feeling ready to take on what ever comes his way he prepared for the fight for his life until he realized how will he get there and back to his world.

(Y/N) - "So quick question how will I get there and what about money I'll need that to survive my trip on Remnant."

God of Light - "I have forgotten to tell you the only way to bring you there is through reincarnation meaning you will have to die here. But don't fret to rest of the world they would have assumed you passed away from a car accident. But don't worry if it will make you fell better I will ensure your family will live full healthy and a wealthy life. As for you we will give you about a million lien. That should help you on your Journey."

God of Darkness - "Good luck boy. May you succeed and maybe your knew home won't be destroyed."

The Gods disappeared and as if the play button has been pushed time continued once more. Shocked at what he heard he scream in the sky only to fall on deft ears.


After he scream he heard the honking of a car head toward him. He soon realized this was the accident that was going to kill him.

(Y/N) Mind - " Fuck this is what he ment. Well here we go."

Upon impact everything went black and then white only then he opened his eyes and see trees as far as the eyes he can see.

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