A promise kept

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The Three friends made it to the auditorium. After walking what seemed to be forever they then began to look for seat. Ruby then noticed her sister Yang motioning her to come to her.

Ruby- "Oh, there's Yang. Alright Jaune it was nice meeting you. Come on Y/N let's go.

Ruby soon grabbed Y/N's hand and ran to Yang who looked happy to see them.

Jaune- "Okay. Great know where am I going to find a girl with a perky personality."

Y/N- "Yang where did you go? Don't you know how bad it got after you left. Ruby just blew up."

Ruby- "That's right I did. You just ditch me and I exploded."

Yang- "Yikes! Meltdown already?"

Ruby- "I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage and then she yelled at me. And then I sneezes and then I exploded!

As Ruby was explaining her situation Y/N then noticed Weiss coming towards them. Y/N then attempted to get Ruby's attention.

Y/N- "Ah, Ruby behind you."


Ruby-" Oh my god it's happening again!"

Weiss- "Your lucky that we weren't blown off a cliff."

Yang- "Oh my god you did explode."

Y/N- "This looks like the time for me to use the restroom. Excuse me as I try to avoid this."

Weiss- "Hold it right there Mr. Pervert. You think I'm going to let you walk after what I saw what you did to that girl."

Y/N- "Look it was an accident that you two caused while I was trying to stop you two from causing an even bigger scene."

Yang- "Look maybe you guys just got off on the wrong foot why don't you start over."

While Ruby was trying to get on Weiss good side Y/N then noticed a girl with red hair and the Panda Fullbottle around her neck.

Y/N(Mind): Is that you Pyrrha? I guess you kept our promise.

As Y/N was about to go greet Pyrrha he then noticed Ruby and Weiss still arguing. But before he can say anything else everyone looked at the stage as Ozpin made his speech.

Ozpin: I'll keep this brief. You have all traveled here today in sur of knowledge to hone your craft and aquire new skills and when you are finished you plan to dedicate your life to the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume that knowledge will free you of this. But your time at this school will prove that knowledge will only take you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Y/N- "No pressure."

Ozpin soon handed the mic to Goodwitch.

Goodwitch- "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins, be ready. You are dismissed.

Yang: "He seemed kind off."

Y/N: "As if he wasn't even there."

Y/N soon left Ruby, Yang, and Weiss so he can find Pyrrha.

Y/N(Mind)- Where did she go. I know I saw here going this way.

Before he could go continue his search he was soon tackled with great force from behind.

Y/N- "Oh God please don't let be death. I'm still to young to die."

Nora- "Y/N I'm so glad to see you again. You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do this."

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