We meet again old friend

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No one's POV

On a nice night in the streets of Vale. A dust shop can be seen called From Dust Till Dawn. Everything seems peaceful until a group of men enter the store. A man with a bowler hat comes close to the counter and looks at the dust crystals in awe.

Roman- "Do you know how har it is to find a dust shop open this late."

Then suddenly one of the thugs pointed a gun at the owner face.

Owner- "Please just take my lien and leave.

Roman- "shhh. Were not here for your money. Grab the dust.

Soon Torchwick's men started filling their containers with dust. Torchwick soon turned his attention to the shop owner one more time.

Roman- "Crystals. Burn, uncut.

While Roman was collecting the crystals one of his goons went to the back to fill up on dust only to notice a person with a red hood on not even noticing a robbery was happening.

Robber- "Alright put your hands in the air. Hey I said put your hands in the air. You got some kind of death wish or something.

He then grabbed Ruby's attention by grabbing her shoulder. Ruby then turned around only for the robber to realize that Ruby had her headphones on at full blast to even hear anything. The robber then pointed at the headphones and Ruby realize what he ment and took off the headphones.

Robber- "All right kid put your hands in the air."

Ruby- "Are you robbing me?"

Robber- "Yes!"


Ruby then kicked the robber out of her way and then jumped out the window she then pulled out her Cresent Rose and was prepared for a fight. As she saw that she was outnumbered none came out yet to get her.

Torchwick- "Okay. Get her."

Before one of the men could get close to her one of them was kicked by a man in red and blue armor.

Torchwick- "Great now who is this clown because I don't remember have to deal with this many people."

Y/N- "Ruby stay behind me and don't let your guard down."

Ruby- "Wait how do you know my name. Wait who are you."

One of the robbers came at Y/N only for him to dodge at them and then be punched at him.

Y/N- "I'll explain later let's just take care of theses guys first."

While fighting Y/N soon pulled a weapon that was on his back. Ruby took out the remaining enemies and saw the weapon in awe.

Y/N(Mind) - "I hope Drill Crusher works other wise I'm in trouble

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Y/N(Mind) - "I hope Drill Crusher works other wise I'm in trouble."

Y/N soon strike the men down with only a few blows making him excited that his new weapon was a success.Ruby soon came to Y/N trying to get her hands on his sword.

Ruby- "What is that? Can I hold it what is it made out of what does turn into? Does it have a gun?

While Y/N was trying to calm her down and keep his sword away from Ruby. They then noticed Torchwick going towards his fallen men.

Torchwick- "You were worth every cent. Truly you were. Well Red I think we can say it was an eventful evening and as much as I like to stick around. I'm afraid this is were we part ways.

Torchwick then pointed his cane at them and fired at Y/N and Ruby they both dodge the blast with enough speed.

Y/N- "Know that's just plain rude."

Y/N then looked to find Ruby talking to the store owner.

Ruby- "You okay if I go after him."

The store owner nodded and Ruby ran after Torchwick. Y/N also went after him as well. The both then followed Torchwick to the roofs of the buildings to then noticed that a jet soon appeared behind Torchwick he got on and then tossed a crystal at Ruby and Torchwick pointed the cane at Ruby. Y/N then hugged Ruby to protect her from the blast only for the two be saved by Glynda.

Torchwick- "We got a huntress."

Cinder soon strike at all three but we're able to avoid her attacks but they also notice how she was able to put a stop to Glynda's attack soon the two escaped then Ruby turned to Glynda in awe.

Ruby- "Your a huntress? Can I have your autograph?"

Glynda then ignored Ruby and turned her attention to Y/N.

Glynda- "Turn back to normal this instant. I thought he was clear about it and told you to hold from using it till tomorrow.

Without talking back Y/N then pulled his full bottles out of his driver. Reverting him back to normal. In a surprise look on Ruby's face she then realized that the one that helped her was her old friend  Y/N.

Ruby- "Y/N is that really you?"

Y/N- "Long time no see old friend."

Ruby then hugged Y/N tightly and was in tears. For seeing the friend she hasn't seen in years. Glynda then looked at the two annoyed at the fact that they have been ignoring her.

Glynda- "Excuse me but we have a lot to discuss right now."

Some time later

Both Ruby and Y/N were in the police station's questioning room. Being lectured by Glynda.

Glynda- "If it was up to me both of you would receive a pat on the back. And a slap on the wrist."

She then struck the table with her riding crop. Causing Ruby to flinch.

Y/N- "Look I'm not going to lie that was a bad idea for what we did. But they started it. Whatever happened to self defense."

Glynda- "What you two did was not self defense that was a full on brawl. But someone would like to talk to you."

Both Y/N and Ruby were confused by what she said until the door opened and Ozpin walked in the room. He then began to look at Ruby very intensely.

Ozpin- "Ms. Rose you have silver eyes."

Ruby- "Yeah?"

Soon Ozpin offered cookies to her causing Ruby to stuff her face with them. Then Ozpin turned to Glynda and told her to take Y/N out of the room. With the two out of the way Ozpin talked to Ruby for sometime until Ozpin offered the best news she ever heard.

Ozpin- "How would you like to join my school."

Ruby- "Are you kidding me of course I  want to go."

Ozpin- "Good. Glynda would you bring him back in."

Glynda and Y/N return. With Y/N sitting back down on his chair he asked what happened.

Ozpin- "Ms. Rose here will be joining Beacon Academy."

Y/N- "That's great to hear. Good job Ruby looks like you and I are classmates."

Ozpin- "I'm glad you're happy with the results because you'll be joining her on the airship and give her a quick tour around campus."

Ozpin and Glynda both left with smiles on their faces. While leaving Y/N in shock.

Y/N- "The airship! Your joking right? Ozpin you are joking right. Come on Oz answer me. Oz come on you know I hate the airship. OZ!"

Ruby- "Don't worry Y/N it will be fine. Just you, me, Yang, and bunch of students."

Y/N- "That's not the- OH what the point I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.

Ruby- "Bye Y/N see you tomorrow."

Y/N waved his goodbye and walked out the door exhausted.

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