A Shocking Reveal

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During a nice morning in the city of Vale team Ruby and Blue was walking through the city. As the city is welcoming people to the Vital Festival.  

Weiss: The Vital festival, oh this absolutely wonderful.

Ruby: I don't think I ever seen you smile this much Weiss. I have to say it's kind of weirding me out. 

Eva: It does seem off putting. 

Weiss: How can you not smile. This festival is dedicated to the cultures of the world. There will be dances, parades, a tournament.

Y/N: About 66% I'm not getting involved.

Yang: Which ones?

Y/N: Dance and parades. I don't have a rhythm and I despise clowns.

Ruby: I pretty sure theirs not going to be clowns. There isn't right.

Weiss then ignored the question and went back to explaining about the festival.

Weiss: The amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking.

Yang: You really know how to make a good thing and make it sound boring.

Weiss: Quiet you.

Soon a a bout horn could be heard as the group made it to the docks.

Y/N: I'm out.

Y/N soon tried to walk away but was grabbed and dragged by the collar of his black jacket by Eva.

Lucy: Not happening. If were suffering we're all suffering as a team.

Yang: Can you explain why we are spending are time are Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks. 

Ruby, Y/N, Lucy, and Ursula all covered their noses.

Ruby: Oh, they smell like fish.

Y/N: You just figured out why they call this a boat dock.

Weiss: I've heard that students visiting from vacuum will be arriving by ship today and as a representative of beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.

Y/N: Translation please.

Blake: She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament.  

Lucy: That would be useful.

Y/N: Hey I all ways take my enemy on head to head with no idea how they fight. 

Weiss: You can't prove that. 

As they were walking Ruby soon stopped.

Ruby: Woah.

Soon everyone else stopped to see what Ruby was seeing. They saw a shop that was robbed.

Y/N: Was there a flash sale riot or something. 

Yang: Y/N!

Y/N: Sorry.

The group then walked to the shattered building to see what was going on.

Detective 1: Another Robbery. This is the second dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle. 

Yang: This terrible.

 Y/N: Who would do this?

Detective 2: They left all the money again.

Ruby: What?

Ursula: Why wouldn't they take the money? What could they have taken then?

Detective 1: Yeah, it just doesn't make sense. Who needs that much Dust?

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