Thy Kingdom Falls

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Y/N was walking with Pyrrha after their chat with Ozpin. disscussing what had happened.

Y/N: Are you sure about this?

Pyrrha: Honestly, I don't know.

Y/N: Then why would you agree to this. You will be saying goodbye to the life you wanted. From now on, you will be in constant danger and always have to look behind your shoulder and watch the shadows in which you walk.

As the two were talking, Y/N soon received a call from his scroll. He looked to see it was Lucy calling him.

Y/N: Hello?

Lucy: Y/N, get over here quick!

Y/N: Lucy? What's going-.

Lucy: There's no time! Yang is in trouble, and Percival and his team are in our room right now, collecting your fullbottle and the data you have on your drivers.

Pyrrha: Should I come with you?

Y/N: No. You have your fight coming soon! I'll go deal with this.

Y/N soon left Pyrrha, and he soon rushed to his room.

Amber: I don't like the sound your teammate had in her voice.

Y/N: Me too. I don't think Percival understood the term asking for permission.

Once Y/N made it to his room, he soon saw Atlas mechs in front of his and team RWBY'S room. Y/N soon tried to rush into his room but was stopped by the mechs.

Y/N: Out of the way, scrap metal.

But before Y/N could do anything, the door to his room opened, and Percival was holding a suitcase in his hands. Y/N soon put his hands on his friend, pushing him back into his room.

Y/N: What are you doing!

Percival soon dropped the suit case, causing it to open revealing all of Y/N's fullbottles inside. Y/N soon looked at his friend with a look of anger in his eyes.

Y/N: Are you stealing from me!?

Percival said nothing to him. He only kept looking at him with a calm look. Soon, Y/N felt a gun being pointed at the back of his head. Soon, he looked to see Ariel pointing her weapon at him and soon saw that everyone one of their teammates pointing their weapons at each other.

Y/N: Looks like we've got ourselves a mexican standoff.

Soon, Percival put his hands on Y/N's wrist. Y/N soon turned to his friend.

Percival: I just need to borrow them.

Y/N: So what, you couldn't have called me.

Percival: I'm sorry, but Ironwood asked me to collect your fullbottles.

Y/N: Why?

Percival: That's classified.

Y/N: Classified my ass. You're taking my things.

Soon, Y/N let go of Percival and grabbed the suitcase, and placed it on his bed. As he did, the door to his room opened, and both Ozpin and Ironwood came in.

Ironwood: Percival, I thought I told you, too -. Oh, I see that they've arrived.

Y/N: You care to explain why you guys are trying to take my fullbottles and my schematics for my driver.

Ozpin: I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you, Mister L/N. I had just learned about this just now.

Y/N: I'm not handing anything over to you. I also want my Transteam guns back as well.

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