The First Day

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In Beacon academy and in one particular room team Blue is sleep peacefully until an alarm clock goes off. Waking three of the four members of team Blue.

Lucy: Huh?

Eva: ...

Ursula: It morning already?

The three teammates then notice the bed on the far right being  occupied by their leader who hasn't waken up.

Few Hours ago 

Team BLUE is in their room all except for Y/N who has been denied access by one of his new teammates.                                                                                                                 

Lucy: This has to be a joke? Were going to be living with a guy?

Ursula: Please claim down were a team now so of course we would have to live in the same room together. Besides he is are leader we can't just kick him out of the room.

Eva: Agree. I believe if we create a curtain that covers the three beds form his bed that would help. 

Lucy then looked frustrated as she was outvoted. Eva then open the door to let Y/N. As Y/N walked in he could see Ursula making a curtain out of a spare blanket that divided the three beds from the fourth bed. Lucy then walked over to him in a frightening look on her face.

Lucy: Here's the deal when we need to change you will stand outside the hall until were ready. You will not remove the curtain under any circumstances. Finally if you think about doing any funny business I will personally beat the hell out of you till you fall into a coma. Do you understand me?

Y/N: Yes, ma'am!

Lucy: Good now get out so we can change.

Y/N then walked back in to the hall. As he was in the hall he saw the door next to him open and saw Ruby stick her head out the door.

Ruby: Y/N? Why are you making so much noise?

Y/N: My team is uncomfortable   with the idea of sharing a room with a guy. So they made me promise not to do anything weird to them, leave when they are changing and beat me if I do something to them.

Ruby: Oh. Wait your living in the same room as your team?

Y/N: Yeah? aren't you?

Ruby: Yeah. It's just you know?

Y/N: Know what?

Ruby then stared at Y/N for a few seconds and then went back in her room. A few seconds later the door opened and Y/N went back into the room. As Y/N change into his Pjs then door was soon knocked on repetitively hard. Ursula then opened the door to see Weiss bursting in along with Yang and Ruby. Weiss then ran towards Y/N with great speed.

Weiss: I can not except what I am hearing. You are going to be living in a room filled with girls and no other guys.

Y/N: I don't understand this is a problem between my team not yours. Why do you care?

Weiss: First I have a friend who is in your team that I have known since I was a kid. Second your a guy in a room filled with girls how do I know you won't try anything funny.

Lucy:  I said the exact same thing. But everyone else thinks that it's fine. Can you believe that?

Ursula then tapped at Y/N shoulder.

Ursula: Why don't you go to sleep I don't think this is going to end for awhile. Besides I don't think your going to be tossed out of the room.

Y/N then went to bed while his and team RWBY were talking about you staying in the room.

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