Having A Tomboy GF - Gabriel

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You would have assumed that his type was overall just more girly, but nope he proved you wrong. Especially when he told you that everything about you was just his type, shoot you didn't even think angels especially ones like him had a type. But he was to tell you how your style & spunk you had was what had caught his eye in the first place. He especially loves your spitfire attitude. It just blended so well with his trickster-type personality. Not to mention how more often than not you chose to just wear his shirts around the house, which he was always a huge fan of. So he never minded that you preferred to wear baggier clothing instead of showing off every inch of skin you had. He just saw it as a special prize that was meant for his eyes only. The fact that you always spoke your mind & never cared about fitting in or acting like "one of the girls" was something that he also found really attractive. Like whenever the two of you would go out to get a bite or drink if someone dared to try & flirt with you, you never hesitated to shut them down or get in a fight just to get your point across that you weren't interested. The whole time while he just sat there impressed & amused watching everything unfold, while also only having one thought on his mind "that's my girl" & he wouldn't have it any other way.

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