Show Me Where It Hurts Prompt - Crowley

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You'd had a migraine for a majority of the day & no matter what you did it didn't go away. You'd already taken the max recommended amount of your migraine medicine, but still, your migraine was relentless. At this point, you were about to just throw in the towel & start crying from how much pain you were in. You were at the end of your rope trying to find literally anything to make the pain go away. Then you heard a familiar voice echo throughout the bunker. You slowly made your way out of your room to find the man it belonged to. As soon as he saw you & took in your appearance he knew something was wrong. "Darling, are you alright?" Crowley asked concern clear in his voice. You felt the tears swell up in your eyes threatening to spill over at any minute. "Honestly no I'm not, I've been in so much pain all day & nothing I do makes it go away & I'm about to just cry and/or rip my hair out." You watched as he walked closer to you then asked “Show me where it hurts." You pointed to your head as your migraine was the source of all your pain. You watched as he lifted his hands & placed them on either side of your head. You closed your eyes & felt the pain slowly starting to fade away. When it had faded completely you opened your eyes & were a mixture of relief & happiness. So much so that without thinking you kissed Crowley right on the lips then started thanking him profusely while he just stood there taking in what you had just done. He quickly regained his composure though & said "Well if I'm always gunna get thanked like that maybe I should take away your pain more often darling."

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