Laughing Prompt - Gabriel

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Your boyfriend Gabriel had been in the midst of a little prank war with Dean & Sam. You & Cas on the other hand wanted no part of it, so you just watched everything unfold from the sidelines. To be honest you were actually enjoying watching all the mayhem unfold especially since you didn't have to be involved in any of it. You knew that today Gabriel had something big planned for the brothers. He wouldn't give you any hints as to what it was, but he knew that things would probably get messy & that your best bet at staying safe & clean was to stay with him. Which to be honest you always loved spending time with your boyfriend so you just sat back & watched as he put his master plan together. Within the next two hours, he had finished everything now all he needed was to wait for his prey to fall victim to his trap. A few minutes later you started to hear a bunch of commotion. Then you heard what sounded like something spilling & splashing onto the floor. When you got closer to where the noise was coming you couldn't help but laugh at everything you saw. The hallway between Sam & Dean's room had been splashed in all different colors of the rainbow & when you got closer you saw that there had been a giant bucket set up outside of both their doors. Which you assumed had held water balloons filled with whatever concoction Gabe had come up with. But then you saw what really had you bursting out into a fit of laughter. Dean & Sam were both covered in every color of the rainbow from head to toe then all of a sudden there was a cloud of feathers that appeared. The next you knew both the boys now had a fresh coat of feathers to add to their colors. "I can't remember the last time I laughed like this." You managed to get out once you were done wheezing. "You know boys, I'm pretty sure this makes me the winner of this prank war." Your boyfriend said popping out from behind you. With a huge grin plastered on his face.

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