Selfish Prompt - Crowley

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You were always the type of person that put everyone before yourself. Which had quite literally was the entire reason you were even in this predicament in the first place. A hunt had gone as sideways as it could. You had been pretty severely injured, but so had both of the Winchesters who you had been accompanying on this hunt. So you felt responsible for everything that happened & with Cas being mia recently you were left with only one choice. You'd always been on good terms with Crowley, even the occasional flirty remarks every now & then. You knew he wasn't a huge fan of the two brothers, but you were pretty much banking on the fact that you were also pretty banged up. So you called out for him, hoping that he'd hear you & help you. You didn't care if it meant making some type of deal with him as long as it meant saving the three of you, you'd take it. Luckily he did hear your pleas & appeared, but when he saw the sight before him he couldn't help, but be a bit upset. He couldn't even get out a single word before you pretty much word vomited the entire situation onto him. Saying how you didn't care what kind of deal had to be made & that you'd still take it so long as it meant saving them & you. That was what had sent him over the edge. "For once in your bloody life, do what you want! Be selfish!" His comments had you looking at him in confusion because truth be told he had been watching you for quite a while now & the way you just always put everything before yourself never sat right with him. He saw that you had so much potential & just thought that you running with the two brothers was just a waste of that potential. So he did make a deal with you. He didn't want your soul, no instead he wanted you. By his side, of course, he knew he couldn't really keep you on a leash since he knew how strong your bond with the brothers were. Plus if he was beinng honest he didn't want to keep you on any leash, but from now on whenever you wanted to go out on a hunt or case he'd e the one going with you. Teaching you & showing you things that the Winchesters could never offer you because Crowley was the King of hell after all. Thinking it over you had to admit you did actually agree with him, so you took the deal deciding for just this once to be a bit selfish. The two brothers had gained consciousness just long enough to see you standing next to Crowley, but before they could even ask any questions you just waved goodbye to them saying how you'd just see them later & with that the two of you were gone.

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