His GF Flinches When He Gets Mad - Sam

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You never liked fighting with any of the boys, especially your sweetheart Sammy. Mainly because if you got angry enough you couldn't control the tears that fell from your eyes & having to constantly explain that you rage cry had just got tiring to you. Not to mention the fact that if someone got in your face or yelled at you, it took every fiber in your body to not break down & cry on the spot. Sam & Dean had been arguing like any other day & you decided to just get out of dodge so you wouldn't wind up getting caught in it. So you just made your way to Sam's room ready to comfort him or just be there for when he wanted to vent. And vent he did. Except he was still wound up from his argument with Dean. His voice started to get louder & you tried to calm him down. But in response he just slammed his hand down on the desk that just so happened to be right next to you. Your entire body flinched out of reflex. You hoped that he didn't see it, but he did & seeing that was enough to cause all the anger in him to disperse. As you now became his sole focus. Profusely apologizes for taking his anger out on you or even having you think that he might hurt you. He cautiously pulled you into him whispering sweet nothings to you between his apologies. While also swearing that he was gunna make it up to you.

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