You Enjoy Thunderstorms- Castiel

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Storm clouds had started to roll through outside of the bunker. You had always loved thunderstorms. From the sound of the thunder to the flashes of lightning that lit up the sky. To even the different shades of colors all the clouds would turn before, during & after the storm. Which was why you were currently outside just watching the sky as all the clouds completely covered the sky. You had just kinda wandered out of the bunker by yourself, not bothering to tell anyone since didn't even go that far. But you were quickly aware of the fact that you weren't alone as you felt a presence come up from behind you. When you turned around you had seen that it was just your sweet angel Cas. Wondering what you were doing outside when you explained to him how you just wanted to watch the clouds since you'd always loved thunderstorms he seemed to understand. He just stood silently next to you taking turns between watching you & how you looked so mesmerized by the sky & to the sky itself. After some time you had started to get the sense that the sky was gunna open up & start downpouring within the next few minutes so you gently took your boyfriend's hand & told him that you were going back in. As you made your way inside & reached the top of the stairs you could hear the downpour of rain that had started outside.

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