CHAPTER 3 | an uneasy alliance

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📎A/N. Thanks so very much for continuing with the story and for all your support.

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Anyway onward to chapter 3 - I hope you enjoy it :)

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The drive in Murphy's Cadillac Escalade was in relative silence. After her initial internal battle and overwhelming desire to shoot him, Kaitlyn had decided to take the highroad and reluctantly followed him to his car. The man outranked her, and for the duration of the case, he was her superior. It probably would not look good on her F.B.I record if she was incited for insubordination.

Not to mention the paperwork involved in an accidental discharge, she thought dryly as she got into the passenger seat, not once, glancing across at the driver.

They were out the building and maneuvering through the busy traffic before Kaitlyn could put her seatbelt on. She was mildly surprised at his obvious familiarly with the city's streets. Navigating them quickly and efficiently out of Central Boston thorough the Sumner Tunnel and along the 1A towards Lynn, ten miles north east.

Quinn picked up the file Murphy had taken from Doug and began leafing through it. The folder contained a copy of the information from the incident from two days before. To her dismay, it comprised of very little. The victim had yet to be identified and the medical examiner had not yet determined cause of death.

"That was helpful," she said in disgust as she threw the manila folder onto the back seat.

Traffic having slowed them down, it took nearly fifty minutes to reach their destination.

The small crowd gathered along the distinct yellow police tape was a dead giveaway that they had arrived. The two new partners approached the Scene Officer and presented their identification before being granted entry into the secured area.

The old warehouse was a typical sight in Boston. The building boom had made its way to this part of the country, and the once abandoned building was now being given a second life as a number of high priced apartments. The building had been gutted and only the original concrete frame remained.

Kaitlyn approached a Police Officer who was standing watch just inside the building, "Special Agents Quinn & O'Neill," she held up her identification, "we are after Detective Garcia."

"That's him interviewing the security guard," he replied as he pointed to two men standing a short way off.

Without acknowledging the Police Officer, Murphy headed off in the general direction of the inner sanctum of the crime scene.

"Thanks," Kaitlyn smiled apologetically at the officer as she trailed after Murphy. She was slightly miffed at the Profiler who, once again, provided another example of his rudeness.

While there was a natural animosity between the F.B.I. and the local police department, Kaitlyn decided that there was no need to get on their bad side before they even started.

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