CHAPTER 34 | the second amendment

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies... another weekend... another chapter...

For those of you following the RWC... congratulations to Wales who beat England 25:28. Good luck if your teams are playing... :-)

This weeks chapter is dedicated to browneyedgirl65 - I highly recommend her story The Road Goes Where We Go - Check it out.. You will not be disappointed.

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New Hampshire Gazette


By Damian McRoss - Staff Writer

Ferncroft - An Ellsworth man was treated at the scene Tuesday morning after a hunter accidentally shot him while hunting turkey in the Waterville Valley forest.

David Williams, 52 of Ferncroft was hunting with a group of friends in a wooded area of the state forest when the early morning shooting occurred, according to the New Hampshire Wardens Service.

Both wardens and local police were nearby, monitoring the annual event which has attracted hundreds of competitors each year. According to eyewitnesses, David Williams fired his shotgun, loaded for turkey at what he believed was a large grey wolf.

Once Williams and the remainder of his team went to find the downed animal, they were horrified to discover the bullets has inadvertently struck Ron Winslow, a resident of Ellsworth, a nearby town.

Williams, adamant that he did not see the victim prior to discharging his gun, was not available for comment. Investigators are still trying to piece together what happened, according to Cpl. John Donalds of the Warden Service.

"We don't really know for sure what he was shooting at," Donalds said in an interview Tuesday afternoon. "Obviously he had not intended to shoot Mr Winslow."

When questioned about the state of Mr Winslow when he was found, Donalds was tight lipped saying, "he (the victim) was treated at the local hospital and discharged shortly afterwards."

When questioned about the lack of clothing when the hunting party had found the injured man, Donalds only comment was, "Naturalist should know better than roaming around naked in hunting season."

Mr Williams and the hunting party are being interviewed by the Warden Service and are "cooperating fully" with the investigation, according to Donalds.

Mr Winslow, the victim of this tragic accident, refused to comment publically on the incident.

Damien McRoss - Twitter @D_McR

Peter scanned through the printout which had been slapped on his desk. He shook his head in confusion and looked up at Drew who was hovering above him, "I don't understand, there's no story here. Accidental shootings happen to hunters all the time. It's not the first, and it certainly won't be the last," he said as he handed the page back to his reporter.

Drew snatched the page out of Peter's hand and waived it in the air like a man possessed. "Can't you see it?" he exclaimed in frustration, "They thought it was a wolf! And when it was shot, the wolf turned back into a man!"

Peter brought his fist down on his desk, dislodging the stack of folders piled unevenly across his desk. "Is that what this is about?" he shouted. "When are you going to stop this nonsense? I gave you some leeway when it came to the wolves turning up in the city, but this obsession of yours is now bordering on outright paranoia."

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