CHAPTER 11 | immigrants

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📎A/N. Hello my friends, I hope you had a great week. It feels like forever since we've chatted!

Firstly, my heart and prayers goes out to those affected by the events last week in Charleston. It was such a needless tragedy to good people.

Have a wonderful day, and don't forget to vote :)

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Sleep had eluded Murphy. After returning from a long run, he had sat under the open night sky for hours wondering how he had managed to get himself into this mess.

There was only one word for it: Careless. Something he had never been.

He was reluctant to admit it, but he had brought this current predicament upon himself.

The emptiness that had built up over the years was now all consuming and affecting not only his judgement but his normally level headed mind.

If he wasn't so focused on his hatred for Elijah, he wouldn't have been so careless to change out in the open for Kaitlyn to see.

If he hadn't been so careless he would have paid more attention to Kaitlyn's theory on Elijah's change in MO and they may have been more closer to removing him, forever.

His single minded hatred had not only made him careless but also blinded him.

He needed to make June's killer pay for taking her away from him. He owed her that at least for surviving without her. He could not move on until he did. He needed to do what he was good at - profiling and tracking down his prey. In order to predict Elijah's next steps he needed to understand what the madman was after and the reason for the change.

As night gave way to dawn, Murphy headed back inside. Determined and resolute as to what needed to be done.

The fact that he would be returning home after being decades away was still something his mind refused to acknowledge. This would be something he would deal with later. Never if possible.

"So where are we at?" Murphy barked out as he walked into the situation room a couple of hours later. Refreshed and with a new determination.

"The judge is refusing to give us a warrant for Mrs Muller's financial records," said Daisy, startled at his abrupt entrance.

"On what grounds?"

The young woman nervously readjusted her glasses. "We don't have enough evidence to prove her husbands connection to anything illegal. It would be a violation of her right to privacy."

"And did you tell him that her records might give us that link?"

"Yes, he still refused to sign the warrant."

"Bollocks!" Murphy muttered as he stood in front of the large whiteboard covered in photos, and summary descriptions of the victims.

Pointing to the image of the latest victim, he turned and addressed Antonio and Kaitlyn. "How are we going with retracing his timeline?"

"We have spoken to everyone he met with that day. They all check out and have an alibi for the time in which we believe he was taken," said Tony.

"What about that last slot for the day?" asked Murphy, now inspecting the printout of the Accountant's diary.

"No one knows who it was with. It was a long standing regular appointment," Kaitlyn chimed in from her position across the room.

"Well, he didn't make it home that night so he was taken at some point before, during or after this meeting," speculated Murphy, "he left his car at work, so he must have been picked up. Have we checked with the local cab companies?"

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