CHAPTER 50 | authors message and thank you

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[January 2016] One year ago I had no idea that within twelve months I would have completed two novel sized stories, and have another well on the way to finishing. This time last year I was a Wattpad reader and closet writer who had no confidence in her abilities, let alone to actually share it on such a public platform.

It has only been through the support of each and everyone of you, that has given me the courage to share the crazy worlds and journeys that exist only in my mind. I am so very grateful for the support and joy you have all given me. It has been phenomenal and so very humbling. 

After Masked, I was nervous and a little reluctant to try and write another story in the Masked world. Sequels and Spin-off's vary rarely work and are often criticised. 

I hope you enjoyed Buried. With your support it managed to reach a high of #2 in Paranormal. 

I set out for it to be a little different from Masked but with two equally as powerful and likeable characters, with any luck you fell in love with them as much as I have.

Firstly, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for coming on this journey with me.  Some of you are newly arrived on our crazy ride, others have permanent tickets they booked on Masked as that journey unfolded. You have all made me smile and bring a light into my days.  

I would also like to thank my very supportive and wonderful husband. My very own cross between Daniel and Murphy. He has made sure to get the kids fed on the nights and weekends I needed to get a chapter out and has gradually come round to thinking werewolves aren't so bad.

Special thank you's go out to  the following readers who were with me for the end of Masked and despite this, came on board for Buried (If I've missed some names I do apologise)  @shewolf1979  @hoeebaggs  @InoRuben  @Phillip_James @heelaholic @deerobbinstuttle @polaris2000 @hmariepugh @rhealuvstories @80mags @rachele666 @ktweston @caroline2106 @ladylucyheartfilia @mcat4519 @FireFly24 @bargypsi @ladyluna4eva @fandoms_4_fangirls @iamcandysue @lynjay @jojoasi @mariamcgowin @debbiewilliams905 @zorroone 

Thank you to the following readers who came on board at the start of Buried and have been wonderful and supportive ever since. @kumarae4 @lllooovveeeetoread @QuarantinesdInMyMind @MiaAddison @MrsAtia @Mrsu37 @veroespana @adahanne @theobione1 

I would also like to thank @annamr5 and @blaze66 for pointing out my errors and grammatical mistakes. They've made it a little easier for my next reader.

If I've missed anyone please accept my apologies.

If you're keen to continue the journey, you can join us over at Evolution, the third story in the Masked series.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Take care, and thank you all so very much.

❤ ℳ

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