CHAPTER 31 | guess who's coming to dinner?

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📎A/N.  Hello my lovelies, hope your week is going well.


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"Don't ask," Kaitlyn said as she deposited the third container of food on Murphy's bench.

The amused Werewolf took a sip of coffee from the cup he was holding and raised an eyebrow "Wouldn't dare."

He remained leaning against the bench, one hand casually tucked into his jeans and continued to watch with a puzzled expression as Kaitlyn made three more trips.

"I think that about does it," she said, wiping her hands on each other and cast her eye across the fruit of her labours.

"Yesterday it was linen. Today food. I'm just curious about what you are going to turn up with tomorrow?" Murphy said as he took another gulp of his coffee.

Kaitlyn stopped short, a surprised look on her face, "Wow!" she exclaimed, "That actually sounded like an attempt at sarcasm."

She held back a smile as she heard him grunt and head over to the coffee pot. Murphy refilled his cup and poured a second. Returning, he handed her the additional cup and began ruffling through the containers. "So, I've taken another look at that list and cross checked it with the police database – courtesy of Garcia's little gift – and we can cross off four names."


Murphy grabbed a blueberry muffin and took a bite. "Turns out they are in jail or arraigned awaiting a trial date," he explained, "so, we won't be able to get to them."

Kaitlyn became more frustrated as the day progressed. She knew that their task of attempting to narrow down the group Elijah had associated himself with was going to be a chore. It was to be expected that it was going to feel like pulling teeth. However, without the backing of the F.B.I. it was proving to be more difficult than anticipated. They had, on a number of occasions, had to physically chase after the person they were after. Her legs now hurt from the constant sprints across busy streets and tumbles across car hoods.

They were still none the wiser. Murphy had not detected any Werewolf scent on any of the people spoken to. Nor were they lying when questioned. Kaitlyn didn't realise how late it was until her phone's alarm went off.

"We'd better head to the airport," she said, turning off the irritating noise.

"We still have one more name on the list," argued Murphy.

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "Stop stalling. We need to get to the airport," she snapped.

It was nearly six when they arrived. Kaitlyn's legs ached as they rushed into the domestic arrival area. Why the hell did I wear boots with heels today?

They were just in time to greet Murphy's parents as they came through the gate. As expected, there was some awkwardness, and the majority of the conversation was carried by both Molly and Kaitlyn.

Once they had arrived at Murphy's home, he quickly showed his parents to their room while Kaitlyn packed her things to head home. Being a long day, she just wanted to sink into a hot bath with a glass of wine and put up her tired and sore feet.

The three Werewolves emerged from the other room just as Kaitlyn was about to head out the door.

"I'll leave you guys to it. I'm sure you have a lot to catch up on," she said as she bade her farewells. "Don't forget you just need to reheat the Pepper Steak Casserole on low," she reminded Murphy, indicating towards the fridge.

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