CHAPTER 5 | whoops...

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📎A/N.  Welcome back.  This week has been a bit busy for me, so I have not had a chance to focus on this chapter as much as I would have liked :(

The chapter gives us a little insight into Murphy... hopefully we get to understand him a little better.

Don't forget to vote if you enjoy the chapter. Remember, each vote lets me know that someone is enjoying my story and really makes my day.

I have also dedicated this chapter to @JadeRoses who never fails to keep me on my toes with her wonderful feedback and insightful comments on the characters and plot twists.

Have a wonderful week...

❤ ℳ

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The day had started out as a mess and ended as a complete and unmitigated disaster.

In his frustration, Murphy swore in his native Gaelic.  Something he only tended to do in extreme situations.  The normally unflustered Werewolf was agitated beyond belief.

Murphy O'Neill was a man of very few words.  Actions were the standard he lived by.  Conversations with others led to illusions of trust and friendship.  Both of which, he was in short supply - by choice more than necessity.

The one hour drive to Groton had given Murphy more than ample opportunity to reflect on the fiasco that begun the moment Doug's Agent walked through the door, then inadvertently continued throughout the day.

This is precisely why I work alone

It was his own fault, he reflected angrily.  He should have kept tabs on the family.  He should have known that there was a possibility that this might happen.  There were a lot of things that he should have done, but no amount of wishing would make it so.  He was testament to this.

If it was, he would have been with June that fateful day.  He would have killed Elijah, rather than hand him over.  He would have arrived earlier to save his friend. 

And more recently, he would have gone down into the prison when they rescued the Alpha Commander's Mate.  That way, he would have recognised the Werewolf pretending to be a prisoner for what he really was - a stone cold killer who eluded him for forty years.

Elijah, even the name left a bitter taste; one that Murphy had been enduring since his Mate had brutally been ripped from his life.  The moment that Elijah Van der Beck took June's life, his had been destroyed beyond all recognition.

They had been together a brief thirty years.  They should have had hundreds.

They dreamed of the children that would carry their lineage into the future.  Being an only child, June's family legacy now tragically halted.  And unless his sister produced offspring, so too would his family name end.  Both lines forgotten across the annals of time.

The rage he felt upon seeing his Mate's brutally mutilated body had not dissipated over the years. Instead, it smouldered and the desire for revenge the only thing allowing him to survive and continue on without her.

Overtime, the memory of her, and their life together had been securely locked into the recesses of his mind.  It was something not often brought out.  And even less spoken about.

Self preservation focused on the moment that he laid eyes on June's dead body.  The rage and hate for the creature that still walked this earth - alive and free, gave him the strength to continue living. If that is what one could call it.

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