CHAPTER 12 | to taser or not to taser?

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies. As promised, the second half of the chapter :)

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Have a wonderful day...

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Kaitlyn's imagination was bombarded with an astounding array of possible reasons Murphy was standing in the middle of the large back yard, half naked, jeans riding sinfully low on his hips, dirty blond hair and usual three day growth framing his onyx eyes, as stunning as the rest of his virile body.

She had seen the man naked before, but due to the circumstance surrounding the moment, she had barely registered the physical aspects of the man. Her mind had been otherwise occupied with the transformation she had witnessed.

How the hell did I not pay attention to that?

But now, in the dim light of the late afternoon sun, she could not help but notice his physique. The man looked as though he had been carved from a perfect slab of granite.

The Werewolf was perfectly proportioned in every sense of the word. The contours and muscles that adorned his exposed upper body were as sinful as his eyes. He had the body of someone used to physical exertion and hard work, not bulky or over developed.

From the brief physical contact she had had with him, she knew his body was pure masculine power. But nothing had quite prepared her for how she would react to seeing his physical form in all its splendor.

She was rooted to the spot, transfixed on the perfect specimen standing before her.

Good lord! Are they all like this?

Murphy's smooth voice broke into her wayward thoughts. "Are you okay?"

Clearing her throat and embarrassed at being caught ogling, she quickly looked away. "Yes, no problem," her voice came out croaky and suspicious - even to her ears.

Now having more control of her erratic thoughts and back on point she moved the focus back on to her instructor. "What exactly are you going to show me?"

"Werewolves bones," he began, "are denser and can bear a lot more pressure than humans. We have more strength, stamina and speed. Our hearing and eyesight are far superior."

She raised an eyebrow at him. Clearly now irked at his continued dismissal of her abilities. "Are you bragging, or is there a point to this?"

Ignoring her tone he continued. "So far you have been thinking you can match us in the very thing we are naturally better at. You need to learn how to strike us at our weak points."

Kaitlyn snorted in a very unlady like fashion at hearing this. "According to you, you don't have any."

Murphy glared in irritation at her.

She held up her hands in surrender. "Sorry, please continue."

"I am going to teach you how to strike at some of our vulnerable pressure points. With the limited force you will be able to inflict, it won't disable a Werewolf. But it should cause enough pain to halt them temporarily - enough to give you a chance to run."

"And now exactly will I do this?" her voice dubious at his statement to say the least.

"You will need to target precision strikes at certain groups of muscles. Provided you perform them correctly, the muscles around the lungs will contract violently taking air away, sending pain signals to the brain."

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