CHAPTER 40.1 | unexpected

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies. In case your interested, I've been working on my very own little web site ... go check it out .. ... and sign up for my newsletter. I will be posting updates on where things are at... especially as it concerns my next story ... Evolution. This will be the third book in the Masked saga and will feature Parker and Daniel ... Yay!!!!

I also have an author spotlight area where I will be posting interviews with Wattpad authors and you can find out more about them and their stories there. There will be new writers featured each week, so its well worth checking out.

This chapter is a little long and so I split it into two, I suggest you sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy. Don't forget to vote... even you silent stalker readers ;-)

Have a great day.

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As the doors closed behind Kaitlyn, she noticed a doorman was looking expectantly at her. Feigning being out of breath, she held up a finger to indicate that she needed a moment and took a few deep, exaggerated breaths as if puffed from a marathon.

The doorman, a middle-aged jowly man with a receding hairline, seeing she was no threat visibly relaxed and waited for her to speak. Once her pretend lack of breath was under control, she plastered a smile on her face and reached into her purse as she approached the man. The little badge on his jacket told her his name was Axel.

"I wasn't fast enough." Kaitlyn frowned as she held up an envelope with the insignia of a high-end designer store. "The woman who came in just before me, dropped this. I tried to catch up but nearly got run over when I tried crossing the road," she explained and then described the petite woman she had been following for the past few hours.

His glint of recognition told her he knew exactly who she was referring to. "That would be Miss G. If you give it to me," his voice heavily accented, as he held out his hand, "I will make sure it gets to her."

Kaitlyn snapped the envelope away. "I would be more comfortable if I could give it to her personally."

His brows drew together as if confused by her request. "Are you on list?" he questioned. "If you on list, I can announce you. Otherwise, you cannot stay."

This was something Kaitlyn had already expected. "Axel, not that I don't trust you," she smiled, "but I did just go out of my way to return this. How about I put it in her mailbox. That way I can be sure I did the right thing and did my best to get it back to her."

The jowly man seemed to consider this for a moment before finally nodding and agreed to her terms. "The boxes are around corner. Number 64b."

Kaitlyn beamed at Axel and threw him a grateful look as she made her way to the tenants mailboxes. The small alcove that he had pointed her towards had two banks of mailboxes adorning each wall. She scanned the polished brass numbers until she spotted the one she was after and slipped the turquoise paper envelope through the slot.

As she spun on her heels to leave, she almost ran into the vigilant Axel. Kaitlyn thanked him and fled the building, mindful that Miss G in 64b might come back down before she got well enough away. She had no intention of showing their hand before time.

Kaitlyn made her escape and headed back down the road the way she had come. She was careful to keep her pace even and unrushed. Axel appeared to be quite protective of his charges and she need to be vigilant in case he watched her progression away from the building.

She turned into a side road only to discover Murphy leaning on the side of a building, a storm brewing in his expression. "What the hell were you thinking?" he growled as began to walk beside her.

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