CHAPTER 26 | first aid

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A/N... recap... they found the werewolf... Kaitlyn is injured... the story now continues ;)

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"You should have gone to the hospital like I said," grumbled Murphy.

"I'll be fine," said Kaitlyn, brushing off his concern as she turned the key to her apartment.

Murphy wasn't so sure. After Tim and the others had arrived, it had taken four more hours to clean up the mess. Kaitlyn had become paler with each passing hour. With it, Murphy had become increasingly worried. The gash on her forehead looked deep, and he was convinced that she needed it looked at. Not to mention the fact that she could have a concussion.

Kaitlyn threw herself down on the couch and closed her eyes as she rested her head on the large pillow. "Do you think they are going to be okay?" she asked.

"Tim and the others will get them to the Pack in New York State. The Alliance Council will then work out how to deal with the mess," Murphy said, knowing she was attempting to change the subject.

"What about Father Paul and Teresa, what will happen to them?"

"I honestly don't know," he admitted. "We haven't had much success with convincing individuals involved in organised religion in the past, so I am not sure how this one will turn out. We might be lucky and his love for his sister outweighs his conditioning."

"What about Mark?"

Murphy sighed. They had trouble to get Mark to change back. In the end, Murphy had needed to revert to his human form to be able to communicate with the new Werewolf. He was grateful that Kaitlyn had been prepared and had a pair of sweats and a t-shirt in her backpack. It had taken some convincing, but in the end, the frightened Wolf had allowed Mark to emerge and they had spent some time talking about his predicament. The man was wracked with guilt over the deaths on the Freeway.

"I think he will be okay. It's just going to take time. A lot of time," he said.

Kaitlyn made a motion to stand. The pained expression on her face, as she sank back into the couch, had him spurring into action. "Where's your first aid kit?" he commanded.

"In the bathroom. Why?"

"Stay there," Murphy instructed, disappearing into the other room.

After retrieving the medical supplies and the remainder of the items he required, Murphy sat on the coffee table facing Kaitlyn.

"What are you doing?" she asked, watching him rummage through the first aid box.

"Where's your Tylenol?" he asked without looking up.

"I didn't think Immigrants got headaches."

"They've never met you," he mumbled, ready to tip the contents out on the table. A victorious smile emerged as he found what he was after. He popped two capsules into his hand, grabbed the glass of water from the table and gave them both to Kaitlyn, "Here, drink these down."

Kaitlyn made a small face as she regarded the offering, "I don't need it. I'll be okay."

A growl rumbled from the back of Murphy's throat. "If I have to, I will force it down you." His voice clear he would not put up with any arguments.

Kaitlyn huffed at him but took the two capsules without further argument.

"Now lean forward," he said picking up the damp cloth after she had finished.

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