CHAPTER 40.2 | unexpected

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📎A/N.. and here is the 2nd half of the chapter... 

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"So why do we need to go to Plymouth? Won't the reporter come straight back to Boston with his evidence?" Kaitlyn asked. This reporter was proving to be a real thorn in their side.

This time, it was Joshua who answered her question. "There was a bit of an altercation after the reporter approached the Werewolf. He's now got a broken arm and three cracked ribs."

Kaitlyn raised an eyebrow and glanced across at her grandfather. "I assume it's the reporter on the receiving end of that rather than the other way round?" She turned back to Murphy. "So why are we getting involved?"

He hesitated before answering. She wasn't sure whether she was going to like the next words out of his mouth. "We would normally get him committed to an institution."


"Who's going to believe someone who's been under psychiatric care that they saw someone turn into a wolf? - especially when there is no proof." He shrugged his shoulders is if it were an everyday event. "All we need is a court order to have him committed as in inpatient for his own safety."

"You need a judge's order for something like that," Kaitlyn remarked.

"I know and we can get one. But in this case, we didn't need it. Alpha Rossi has a few people willing to testify that Mr Robbins attempted to commit suicide. The law is clear in this situation, he needs to be admitted for observation. When he starts prattling on about seeing men turn into Werewolves in a psychiatric facility, well, you can guess how that will go down. The automatic forty-eight-hour hold will be extended until he can be assessed fully as to his current state of mind."

Kaitlyn was still confused. They seemed to have everything under control, it not a little underhanded. "So why do we need to go? And why now?"

"Alpha Rossi can't find where the reporter has hidden his evidence. He told the Werewolf he confronted that he has the originals hidden away and that it wasn't going to disappear like last time. He's been asking for a lawyer and Rossi is getting concerned that the hospital staff might actually listen to him. Once he has a lawyer involved we will have an even bigger problem on our hands."

"We can't afford for any of this to get out," Joshua added gravely.

"I know," agreed Murphy, "Rossi thinks if two FBI agents turn up, the reporter might be more inclined to let them know where he's hidden his video cameras and SD cards."

He turned back to Kaitlyn, "First thing in the morning we need to go to Albany where they have him committed, and see what we can find out."

Kaitlyn did a quick calculation of the drive time. It was a three hour drive and they needed to get there before visiting hours started. "We'll need to make an early start," she said, "There's not much else we can do today, so I'll head off." 

She stopped and groaned. They had left her Prius at home this morning. "How about I borrow your car to get home and bring it back in the morning," she suggested to Murphy. "That way you don't need to make a needless trip to drop me home."

Molly, who had been listening, chose that moment to make her presence known. "Don't be silly," she scoffed, "You may as well stay the night. It makes more sense than that big long trip back to the city for no reason."

"That's sweet of you Molly, but you already have a full house and I can't turn up looking like this," Kaitlyn said pointing at her casual attire.

Molly dismissed Kaitlyn's argument outright. "There's a perfectly good mall ten minutes away and I am sure if you hurry you'll find something appropriate." Molly turned to Joshua, "Say something, you know it's a waste of time for her to go home only to have to head back here a few hours later."

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