CHAPTER 49 | exhumed

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📎A/N. ** wipes eyes ** Hello my lovelies,  sniff. sniff. I can't believe that we are at the end of this part of our journey. 

Firstly, the final roll call for new countries since we last looked at our world map. I would like to welcome readers from : Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Argentina, Cameroon, Liberia, Albania, Russia & Myanmar.

Once you have read chapter 49, I hope you will read the personal message in the next chapter. There will be some important information you won't want to miss out on.

Don't forget to vote and I hope you enjoy this final chapter in Buried.

Take care and bless you all.

❤ ℳ

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Kaitlyn reached for the French Press before her mother could get to it. "Mom, let me do that."

"Don't fuss, sweetheart," Madeline said as she swatted Kaitlyn's hand. "I love you dearly, but you're starting to get on my nerves."

"You should be resting," she complained.

Madeline placed a hand on her hip and frowned at her daughter. "I'm not an invalid, and I don't know how many times I need to tell you I'm all right. You need to stop worrying."

Kaitlyn spooned ground coffee into the press and swirled the container to settle the granulated beans. "I'm sorry. I just can't help it," she said as she looked over at her mother with a worried look marring her features.

Madeline sighed and closed the short distance between them to place an arm around Kaitlyn. "It's over and done with. You need to stop blaming yourself."

That was easier said than done. Had she been more careful, the mafia wouldn't have worked out she was on to them and their foot soldiers wouldn't have been watching her apartment. Moreover, they most definitely would not have taken her mother only to be subsequently delivered into the clutches of Elijah.

Kaitlyn returned her mother's embrace. "I can't help it," she admitted.

In the three days since their arrival in Florida, they hadn't once talked about what Madeline might, or might not have seen. Kaitlyn wasn't sure how to broach the subject. Her mother's revelation that she was happy Elijah was dead had unsettled her. How much did her mom really know? Once the harrowing and tearful visit to her father's grave was over, Kaitlyn was afraid to rehash memories from the abduction and she had decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

After filling the container with hot water, Kaitlyn placed the lid on the French Press to leave the coffee to steep and leaned on the kitchen countertop as Madeline made her way to the couch in the living room.

"So what did you want to do today?" Kaitlyn asked. "How about I take you out shopping?"

Madeline raised an eyebrow and picked up the novel she had recently abandoned. "I'm not a vain woman, but there is no way I am going out to the mall looking like the bride of Frankenstein."

"It's not that bad," Kaitlyn protested.

Her mother made a sound that let her know she thought otherwise. "Even if I wanted to I can't. Lee's picking up some more UPS Express packs for me and is going to help get my orders out."

"You know I could have done that for you?"

Madeline shrugged and opened her book. "I know."

"And I can package those orders for you," she said, pointing to a pile of printouts and the carefully wrapped handmade jewellery beside them.

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