CHAPTER 4 | just a hunch

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📎A/N. Hello team, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Some of you are having a lovely long one, I hope you enjoy it :)

New readers joining us this week are from: Lithuania, Belgium, Pakistan, Indonesia - welcome to you all :-)

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Take care.


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"So where are we going?" Kaitlyn inquired as she got into the Cadillac.

"I've already said."

Annoyed with the man yet again, she turned and stared at him. "No you didn't. You said you were chasing a lead. There's been no mention of what the lead was, where it was or how you even worked out there was a lead."

Adamant she wanted an answer, the F.B.I Agent continued to pointedly glare at the Profiler. As a general rule, Kaitlyn hated to be kept in the dark, and she wasn't about to start now.

Frustration growing with each second that ticked by with no reply from the impossible man beside her, she started tapping on the leather console between them. As she considered her options, the nagging feeling that there was something familiar about him returned.

She had almost given up hope of any type of response when he finally broke the silence. Obviously irritated with her incessant tapping. "We are heading to the docks. Our Victim spent some time there."

"And exactly how did you work that out?" Her eyes widened in surprise.

Murphy's strong hands tightened on the steering wheel, the only indication that he registered the question thrown at him. Glancing across the short distance between them, she was on the receiving end of a piercing gaze. It occurred to her that he appeared undecided on how to answer.

What is he not telling me?

"Just a hunch," his eventual reply, as he shrugged his shoulders and focused back on the road.

"Hunch my ass," she scoffed under her breath, He knows more than he's letting on

Determined to learn the truth, she sifted through her memory of what else she knew about the man. Before she could get very far Murphy, again, astonished her by instigating a conversation.

"I assume that you are familiar with the case files from twenty years ago?"

Kaitlyn nodded slowly, unsure of his change in topic. "Intimately."

He hesitated before speaking, "He was a good man."

"Pardon?" Kaitlyn swung her head around to face O'Neill. Something gentle and sincere in the way in which he spoke struck a nerve with her. Neither of which she associated with the Profiler beside her.

"Your Father, he was a good Detective and an exceptional human."

Kaitlyn, now very confused with the odd direction the conversation had headed. She rarely spoke about her father to anyone other than her mother. Avoidance, for her, the best policy.

"That's what they say," she conceded, her voice echoing a degree of sadness, "I usually get that from people who knew him. How do you know about what he was like?"

Again, he paused before answering. "People talk," he said dismissively.

She was even more surprised when he continued speaking, "Is that why you went into the same line of business, you wanted to follow in his footsteps?"

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