CHAPTER 20 | letting go

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📎A/N. Hello!!! Is anyone there? Everyone seems to have gone quiet :-( - perhaps you are all enjoying your holidays :-) This chapter is a bit longish, so I have split it into two. 

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"Did you get it?" Murphy asked as he walked into the break room.

Kaitlyn finished pouring coffee into two cups and handed one of them to her partner before answering, "Yes."

She then picked up her phone, tapped twice, and slid it across the bench towards him.

Murphy glanced down. The image staring back at him was a photo of a handwritten note.

'I can't live with what I have done.
I'm sorry.

"What's their current thoughts?" he asked, once he had finished reading.

Kaitlyn pocketed her phone. "We're in luck. They think that he was so distraught about his ex-girlfriend's death that he was under the delusion that if he hadn't picked a fight with the new boyfriend, she might still be alive. They are closing the case as a suicide and releasing the body to his parents today."

Murphy did not look convinced. "And you are sure they aren't linking him to the wolf?"

"Very," Kaitlyn nodded.

Murphy breathed out a sigh of relief. Lately, things had become chaotic in his typically calm and tightly controlled life. This was just one more thing that could have blown up in all their faces. They had spent days tracking down an elusive newly turned Werewolf, only to discover that he had committed suicide by jumping off the Tobin bridge.

The current had swept Brian further downstream, until he had been discovered by some locals. By then, the body was bloated and beyond recognition. It had taken a further three days to identify the jumper as Brian Conor, college student and former boyfriend of one of the victims in the first wolf attack.

Much to Kaitlyn's annoyance, Murphy had predicted the outcome. The volatile teenager, isolated, and emotionally distraught, was a ticking time bomb and was a danger not only to himself but those around him.

Not wanting to draw attention to their interest in the victim, and hearing that he had left a suicide note, Kaitlyn had used her contacts within the Medical Examiner's office to get access to the letter.

Their immediate concern was that he had confessed to what had actually transpired. Not that anyone would believe that he was the wolf. However, they did not need the authorities to look any further at the boy's dead body.

Murphy looked as though he was about to say something when his phone beeped. Kaitlyn could tell he was less than pleased as he read the message.

"Bollocks," he muttered under his breath before looking up at Kaitlyn with irritation. "Why did you give her my number?" The accusation was dripping with each syllable.

She attempted to feign ignorance. "Who?"

"Don't act daft," he snapped, "you know damn well who."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. "If you mean your mother. Then, yes I gave her your cell number. What did you expect me to do when she asked for it?"

"You could have said no."

A short laugh burst from Kaitlyn. "Yeah right, like that would have stopped her."

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