CHAPTER 39 | busted

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📎A/N.  Hello my lovelies.  I have been dealing with a bout of chicken pox that my son managed to bring home from school one day.  He now has more spots than all the 101 Dalmatians put together.  My house currently smells of calamine lotion and pinetarsol.  - so my apologies for the delay with getting this chapter out.

For those of you who are wondering what happened to chapter 38... The chapter has been marked private as it contains mature content. If you wish to read it you will need to first follow me for the previous chapter to be unlocked.

Take care.

❤ ℳ 

PS This chapter is unedited. If you spot any mistakes don't hesitate to let me know

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Murphy gazed down at Kaitlyn's sleeping form. He was unaware of the tender expression, or the softness in his eyes as he watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she clung to the crinkled bed linen.

His eyes swept down the length of her body, tangled in sheets which only covered half of her. His brows furrowed as he noticed fresh bruises on her exposed thigh. Guilt racked him as he realised he was the one to have marred her otherwise perfect body. Murphy stopped himself from reaching out and touching the blemish. He didn't want to wake her. 

 A smile overtook his normally stoic features as he propped himself up on his elbow.

She needed the rest. It had been nearly dawn by the time Kaitlyn started showing signs of slowing down. He had been amazed at her endurance and her capacity to bring him to fulfilment with each and every round.

He became aroused just thinking about the way she would thrash and cry out his name with each new release, a sound and feeling he could get used to. It had come as no surprise that her bold and unbridled passion matched his in equal proportion. A strange feeling descended on him, and he realised that it had been a long time since he had felt as sated and as content as he did now.

With June, he had reached to the heavens and back. Their coupling had been as equally satisfying, although her gentle nature didn't give her the aggressive predisposition that Kaitlyn possessed.

Murphy froze. His eyes widened in panic. He felt the sharp cuts of shame as he realised where his mind had wandered.

How could I?

How could he compare Kaitlyn to his beloved mate? He had dishonoured her memory with his lapse in judgement. 

Murphy, careful not to wake Kaitlyn, escaped to the lounge. Terror escalated with each new feeling of remorse that threatened to overwhelm him. He had spent the past half century mourning the loss of his mate. Grieving for the children they would never have. The empty space where his heart used to be had been his companion through the decades.

How could he have so easily forgotten? So easily tossed her memory aside to quench the thirst that had been building since he had met Ryan's daughter. Much to Murphy's dismay, he couldn't recall June's scent, no matter how much he tried. In its place was Kaitlyn's distinct essence; fresh, spirited and soothing.

Murphy had bedded woman over the years. The act had been only to satisfy a primal urge. There was nothing to it. Each time he had walked away without looking back. There had been no regrets on either side. No promises had been made. 

Murphy drew in a deep breath. He was confused and mortified at the same time. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted Kaitlyn. His entire being hummed in her presence. Her quick and insightful mind was refreshing. He enjoyed her company, not to mention her cooking. And, after their marathon, they were more than well matched in that department.

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