CHAPTER 43 | ready

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📎A/N.  Hello my lovelies... I hope your weekend has been going well.  

Gotta rush... I need to decorate the Christmas tree before my children crucify me!!!  Once it's up I will finish and post the next chapter.

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"That's enough!" Ambrose growled. "You've had your fun. Any more and we won't have anything of value to trade."

Ambrose pushed Elijah away from the F.B.I Agent's mother and assessed the damage. "Go get Briana, and tell her to bring the first aid kit and something to stop the bleeding," he said to Junior as he tilted the unconscious woman's head back and forced an eyelid open. Her dilated pupils rushed to close, repelling the sudden light. Her pulse was weak. The effect of the loss of blood coupled with the pain inflicted upon her.

He rounded on Elijah, who was making his displeasure known. "What the hell were you thinking? We need her as a bargaining chip."

"It never ceases to amaze me, how little you understand this gift I have given you," Elijah said with disgust. "You are superior to them. Compromises and trades are for the weak."

Ambrose's eyes narrowed to crinkled slits. "That's where you're wrong! Never underestimate a wounded animal. It's then when they are most dangerous and unpredictable. We need to be prepared for the possibility he'll find us."

Elijah's face turned to pure rage, his jaw clenched and teeth gritted. The venom that flashed from the other Werewolf's eyes disturbed Ambrose. Elijah's body convulsed with fury.

"Let him come," Elijah hissed. "I've had enough of this cat and mouse with O'Neill. It's gone on for nearly half a century and I'm tired of it. I'm sick of them all telling me what I can and can't do. They think they're so high and mighty."

Ambrose took a step back, he recognised the sound of bones moving as they cracked and morphed. He was on high alert as Elijah's body jerked uncontrollably and readjusted from his human form to his wolf form. Ambrose shivered; he wasn't sure which version was more terrifying.

A ferocious roar erupted from deep within the wolf as he snarled and snapped his jaws in Ambrose's direction. The sound of Junior and Briana's approach halted them both. The wolf's head turned and watched them race into the room.

He knew that he was in no danger of Elijah's wolf. It was trying to scare him, show him his superiority. However, the moment they were disturbed, Ambrose recognised a shard of malice slip into its expression. Before Ambrose could shout a warning to the others, the wolf sprung into the air, the remainder of its clothing falling to the ground in the process. He was astounded when Briana attempted to pull Junior out of the way of the monster that was flying in their direction. They hadn't been aware of what was about to happen. However, she was too late. The wolf descended on Junior, its jaws opened and sharp teeth embedded into his side.

Junior's bone chilling scream at the sudden attack, woke Ambrose from his inertia. He raced across the room and tackled the Werewolf. Briana dropped the medical kit she was holding and rushed to assist with dislodging the creature from their cousin.

"Get off him," Ambrose shouted. His words were lost in the cacophony of growls, screams and shouts of the others.

The sinewy muscles underneath the wolf's pelt were too strong for them and they failed to budge the creature an inch from his position.

The wolf growled, the sound reverberating from somewhere deep. It clenched its jaws further into Junior's flesh. Then, with as much speed as it had begun, the ordeal was over. The wolf tossed both Ambrose and Briana from his back and let go of its vice-like grip on Junior. It snapped its jaws and barred his razor sharp teeth, the sound of thunder rolled through the room.

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