CHAPTER 10 | the burden of knowledge

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📎A/N. Hello wonderful readers... hope your weekend went well and you are ready for the upcoming week.

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Welcome to you all. I hope you are enjoying the story thus far :)

Have a wonderful day - where ever you are!

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Murphy's mood was as severe as the Boston weather which had recently turned stormy. The previous week, three more bodies had turned up. Then nothing. For one whole week, everything had gone quiet.

Everyone from the Mayor, Police Commissioner and the Director of the F.B.I had been on his case to find the killer.

He hated this part of the job. The politics that inevitably went with the high profile aspect of the crimes he worked on got on his nerves and slowed everything down. However, it was a necessary evil in his position. He had always known Elijah would surface, and he needed to make sure he was given the case when he did so.

The media, in a feeding frenzy had jumped on the connection to organised crime. Each day a new headline questioning the F.B.I.'s ability to keep the city streets safe would emerge and consume talk-back radio. Each evening the story would be the focus of each of the local news stations. Everyone wanted answers - and the culprit's head on a stick.

Unfortunately for them, once Murphy got his hands on Elijah, there would not be much body left for them to get their sense of justice.

Much to O'Neill's surprise, Kaitlyn had been correct about the victim profiles. Reluctantly, he had admitted he'd been too focused on his hatred for Elijah, that he had failed to see the obvious change in whom his nemesis was targeting.

The first four victims had links to the New England Mafia. Some more tenuous than the others, but enough that they could assume a connection. The latest victim, an accountant from a small firm in the suburbs, appeared to be the first that did not fit the profile.

Kaitlyn however, was adamant that there was a link, and had been working tirelessly to find it.

Entering the situation room he discovered it empty. However, his partner's laptop had been switched on, and bag tossed under the table. Why he was surprised he didn't know. She was the first to arrive and the last to leave.

When does that woman sleep?

Murphy was aware that since the incident with Abe she had been getting very little. For some unfathomable reason, he felt guilty for being the catalyst for her current predicament.

He regretted his show of force. Why he did it, was still a mystery to him. Murphy kept on justifying his action, arguing that she needed to understand exactly the type of person she was up against.

He should have known that instead of backing down and allowing Joshua and himself to get the job done, she had hardened her resolve to catch her fathers killer.

Much to his annoyance, Kaitlyn was now attending mix martial arts classes each night, and when time permitted during the day, she was at the gun range.

He snorted in disgust, the frustrating woman was under the delusion that this would help her go head to head with a Werewolf.

Deciding to see where she was, he followed her scent through to the kitchen. His wolf sitting up as they walked through the door to find her pouring a coffee. "Anything?" Kaitlyn questioned without looking who was in the room behind her.

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