CHAPTER 6 | jack the who?

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📎A/N. Hello my lovelies, it's wonderful to meet up again.

Thanks for all your wonderful feedback and support :)

This chapter we learn a little bit more about what was going on in Kaitlyn's mind :-)

Don't forget to vote :-) Remember, each vote lets me know that someone is enjoying my story and really makes my day.

Take care.

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Kaitlyn commenced pacing the length of the verandah the moment Murphy disappeared into the house. A habit she'd developed whenever her logical intellect was in conflict with her emotional psyche.

Wolf. Man. Animal. Human. Big Wolf. Big Naked Man. Her mind working overtime to dissect and interpret the scene that had just played out.

Kaitlyn, like others with her high IQ, envisaged each unfolding situation in new combinations. They are quicker to accept and embrace new circumstances that would otherwise be considered impossible or inconceivable.

With her quick and ever active mind, she was able to see and interpret things from a different perspective, and her ability to be flexible enabled to her adapt to changing circumstances.

Kaitlyn continued to pace, allowing her synapses to fire and process the traumatic event from only moments before.

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The head-strong woman, not able to wait for the morning to find answers, had taken it upon herself to find out where O'Neill was staying. Three phone calls and one promised favour later, she was furnished with the required information to track him down.

As she drove up the long secluded driveway, a light from somewhere inside the house alleviated the sudden thought that he would not be home. After knocking on the front door for what seemed a lifetime, she wandered around to the back of the house. A large verandah faced out to the forest the house backed on to.

The back door was open. "O'Neill, are you in there?"

Getting no response, she took a quick look round to confirm that the Profiler was absent. Kaitlyn, deciding he could not have gone far, took a seat on the porch swing to wait his return.

After a while, the temperature dropped a few degrees, and she began to shiver. Noticing a blanket had been carelessly left on the swing, she wrapped herself within its warmth. The masculine earthy scent both comforting and intoxicating as she relaxed and sat back into the pillows to wait.

Kaitlyn had no idea how long she had been sitting on Murphy's porch when she spotted a movement in the distance. Taking a closer look, she had been temporarily thrown when a large wolf emerged from the trees. The three-quarter moon provided enough light to clearly see the animal as it came into view.

Her obsession with her fathers murderer had made the F.B.I Agent an expert on all things related to the Wolf Killer cases. This included becoming knowledgeable on all matters relating to his accomplice.

The steadfast determination to learn everything about Wolves extended to a number of visits to Wolf Hollow, a Wolf Sanctuary an hour and a half north of Boston. The sole purpose; to study the habits as well as nature of the animal. It had always astounded her how a Wolf could be tamed enough to participate in the brutal slayings.

There was no doubting the fact that the magnificent creature stealthily sauntering across the clearing was a Wolf. What was odd was its stature. From this distance, the animal was almost twice the size of the grey wolves she had encountered in Ipswich.

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