Post-it Note Game (fluff + angst)

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A/N: I'm trying a new style of writing so words don't seem as jumbled up and everything is clearer. Let me know in comments if this is better or if you like the old way better.


Y/N and I are on our way to our panel for the show we're in. I'm thrilled to see the faces of fans from across the country. The other cast members on their way, but we got an early start.

I pull into the parking lot of the place and get out. I then head to the other side of the door to let Y/N out.

"After you, my good sir."

"Why thank you, C/N."

We both laugh at our fake British accents we put on (no offense to British people) and I lock the car, hitting the button twice to make sure it's locked.

"You know you don't have to do that, right C/N?"


"It locked the first time."

"I just wanna make sure."

"C/N, you literally heard it beep the first time."

"But you never know."

Y/N just kinda shrugged and kept walking with me. After a second, he turns to me with a nervous expression.

"What's up, Y/N?"

"How are we supposed to introduce ourselves once the event starts? I've never done this before. I have no clue what to do."

"It's simple. You just basically say, "Hello, I'm (name), and I play (character name). Does that make sense, Y/N?"

Y/N nods to me and keeps walking.

"So, C/N, do you know what they have planned for us to do at the panel?"

"I honestly have no clue. I wasn't told anything either. I guess it was so last minute that they forgot to tell everyone. I hope we can still pull this off."

Soon enough, we reach the door and we enter the building. As soon as we walk in, we're bombarded with fans wanting us to sign various items and parts of their body, asking us for our phone numbers, asking us to be their boyfriends, and other things like that.

I look over and see that Y/N is really overwhelmed, so I look to all the fans.

"Look. We need space, okay? We have things to do. We appreciate the love though."

With that, I help Y/N get backstage to help him calm down.

"You alright Y/N?"

He just slightly nods while sitting on the floor.

"Want comfort or do you just want someone to sit with?"

"Can we hug please..?"

I nod and sit on the floor with him. I look at him & open my arms, inviting him in. He hugs me back and snuggles in. I hold him protectively and put my face in his hair. I hear him sigh in content and smile to myself.

He's so adorable.

He slightly clutches onto the back of my shirt, melting my heart a bit. My smile only gets bigger.

"Happy, Y/N?"

I feel him nod into my chest and hug me tighter and I just get a big dumb grin on my face. I rub his back a bit and start humming to possibly help him calm down. He just melts into me and clings to me like a koala.

"Don't let go...please..."

"I won't, Y/N. Comfy?"

He nods again and keeps clinging to me. I hear the other cast members walk in, causing Y/N to jump a bit. I remember how sensitive his ears are and try to cover his ears to help him. When I do, he just looks up at me.

~Male crush x male reader~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя