Heat Wave (lemon + fluff)

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God, it's hot today. Stupid heat wave.

I take off my work clothes and put them into the washer, not caring about being naked right now since I live alone. I walk back to my room, looking through my closet for some less suffocating clothes.

Pants... Nope. Long sleeved shirt? Hell no.

I make a face of disgust at the sight of the long sleeved shirt, moving past it almost as quickly as I came across it.

Shorts? Definitely.

I pull out the small shorts and put them on my bed, going back to my closet and searching for a shirt.

The question is whether I want a tank top or a crop top. Not both, though. It's way too hot for layers right now.

I narrow my choices down to a thin tank top and a short crop top with short sleeves. After a few moments of consideration, I decide to go with the tank top. I put the crop top back into the closet, putting the tank top onto the bed.

I step into the shorts, pulling them up until the waistband is just below my hips. I pull my tank top over my head, not bothering to pull it all the way down.

If I could just go completely naked all day, I would. I can't, since the delivery guy is coming today with my new microwave and he could get here any minute.

I exit my bedroom and go into my kitchen, opening the fridge to look for what I could eat for dinner. Seeing nothing except leftovers, I decide to look in my freezer. During my search, I only find freezer burnt and/or expired TV dinners.

Well, shit.

After taking a second look, I see a very well-hidden package with colorful tubes inside of a red mesh bag.

Perfect. Popsicles.

I look through and find my favorite flavor, pulling it out and putting it on the counter.

I haven't had a peach one in so long.

I take out my scissors and cut the top off, immediately putting the top of the popsicle into my mouth. I moan softly in relief, the mix of the sugary syrup and the ice sending serotonin and dopamine through my body.

This was a perfect idea for dinner. (Ex boyfriend) never let me have these when we were together.

I bite down on the side of the container, getting a piece of the top of the popsicle into my mouth and chewing on it.

That feels so nice right now.

I swallow the overly sweet water/ice mixture and smile to myself, finally feeling some sort of relief from the heat.

I slowly get closer to the bottom of the tube, beginning to get more syrup  than ice due to the heat. I use my fingers to raise the last piece of ice to the top, putting it into my mouth and swallowing it.

Now for the best part.

I put the top of the tube to my lips, tipping it back. As I do so, I hear a knock at the door. The sound startles me, making me drop the tube and soul the leftover syrup onto my face and tank top.

"Just a second!"

I need to hurry, in case it's the delivery guy wanting me to sign the package.

Without taking time to wipe my face, I rush to the front door. I unlock & open it, only to see a totally unexpected guest.


~Male crush x male reader~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang