Rehearsal (fluff + lemon)

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GayTheaterKid request


I grab my script, binder, and notebook from my desk and put them into my backpack. I double and triple check to make sure I have everything before walking outside.

I feel the cool air surround me as I step out the door of my dorm complex. The mornings are gradually getting shorter and colder, signalling the onset of fall. I look around at my surroundings before crossing the street and walking into the parking garage.

~*time skip*~

I get off the elevator and hurry over to my car, noticing how close I am to being late for rehearsal. I unlock the car and get inside, starting the car & making my way to the theater.

Not having anything to distract me, my mind starts wandering to my latest interaction with C/N.


I write down the last note from the slide and put down my pencil, looking around the room out of boredom. My eyes land on C/N and I feel my heart start to beat against my chest. My hands start to sweat and slightly tremble from nervousness.

I find myself watching him, noticing the way his wrist flicks when he writes certain letters. I admire how he rests his pencil on his third finger, contrary to everyone else in the class.

My gaze slowly shifts upward until I realize I'm staring. To avoid an awkward moment, I look back at my notebook.

A few moments later, though, I get a strange feeling that someone is looking at me. Curious, I subtly glance around the room until I see C/N staring at me, just as I was moments ago. My face flushes a bright red color as I glance back at my notebook again to avoid further embarrassment.

~*end of flashback*~

A loud car horn takes me out of my thoughts, making me slightly jump and start to drive into the parking lot.

After picking a parking spot, I park the car and step out. I take a deep breath and walk through the doors to the university theater, hoping the director won't be upset with me for almost being late.

As I enter the auditorium, I immediately come face-to-face with C/N. He looks disheveled and nervous, seemingly looking for something. Once he notices my presence, he looks up at me and smiles timidly.

"Hi, Y/N. Excuse me, please."

I move out of the doorway and let him pass through, feeling his hand graze mine on his way out.

I stand there for a few moments, processing what just happened. Blushing when I realized our hands touched, a shy smile grows on my face. I, then, chuckle softly to myself and make my way down to the stage to set up for rehearsal.

~*time skip*~

After a few minutes of warming up, I hear the door to the auditorium start to slowly crack open. I take a second to check and see that it's C/N, who has just arrived with his script and music in his hands.

"Sorry about that, ma'am. I forgot this stuff at home and had to go back to get it."

I hear his nervous voice and suppress a smile, seeing his cute behavior.

"You're fine, C/N. Go ahead and come up here. I'll get you warmed up so we can get to work on your scenes. I know you weren't able to be here last week, due to personal circumstances, so I'll help you catch up. Okay?"

Listening to the director's instructions, C/N nods along and comes up onto the stage to begin warming up. I watch him approach the piano on the side of the stage and get a glimpse of C/N's outfit. His baggy sweater and sweatpants make him seem smaller, somehow making him look more adorable and huggable. His hands are mostly inside of the sleeves, only the tips of his fingers sticking out.

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