Ready? (tooth-rotting fluff + slight angst)

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tx_niaaaaa request

A/N: this is the sequel to "Stage Lights" and the prequel to "Honeymoon". I hope you all enjoy!


"It'll be okay, Y/N. Just breathe, honey."

"What if everything goes wrong, though?"

"What could possibly go wrong about your wedding?"

I pause my pacing for a moment to look at my mom, beginning to voice my concerns and anxieties over the wedding.

"For starters, C/N might leave me at the alter."

My mom slightly shakes her head, giving me a sympathetic look.

"C/N loves you way too much to do that to you. He's been looking forward to this moment for years now."

"Yeah, but what if he gets cold feet and bails out at the last minute?"

"Y/N, come here for a second."

I nod, walking over to my mom and waiting for her to continue speaking. She takes my hands in hers, giving me a gentle smile.

"C/N is a good man. He truly cares about you. You both have defied all odds and stayed together since high school. You never fight. I haven't seen you nearly this happy in so long, Y/N. You deserve to be happy today. Okay?"

I return my mom's gentle smile and nod in understanding. She nods back, pulling me into a warm hug. She wraps her arms around my waist to hug me, her height making it difficult to wrap her arms around my shoulders. I return her embrace, wrapping my around her shoulders. She runs my back in a comforting motion before pulling back from the hug, giving me a soft look.

"Today will go well. I'm sure of it. Now, then, let's get you ready for your wedding."

My smile widens as I nod. She picks up my suit, handing it to me.

"Go ahead and put this on. I can help you adjust it once it's on."

I nod again, taking the suit from her hand and going into the bathroom to change.

~*teeny tiny time skip*~

I slip the other shoe onto my foot, standing up and looking at myself in the mirror.

I'm really doing this today. I can't believe it.

I smile at myself, taking a small breath before exiting the bathroom. When I enter the dressing room again, my mom is scrolling through her phone and looking away from the doorway I'm standing in.


My mom turns to face, her eyes welling up with tears. A wide smile spreads across her face as she approaches me. She puts her hands on my outer arms and leans in closely to me.

"You look so handsome, Y/N."

Her voice is shaky with emotion, her voice cracking slightly. I tear up hearing the warmth and love in her voice.

"I'm so proud of you, honey. Today is going to be amazing."

She hugs me again for a moment before pulling back.

"Let's adjust your suit and do your hair really quick. Once that's done, you should be all ready to go."

~*time skip*~

"You're all ready, Y/N. I'm going to go sit down now, okay? Your brother is standing outside of the dressing room, waiting to walk you down the isle."

I nod, giving her a warm smile.

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