Dance Practice (fluff + slight angst)

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GayTheaterKid request


I drop my bag onto the floor of the dance studio and sit down on the bench, waiting for C/N to arrive.

Hopefully his parents let him come over this time. I've really missed him lately.

I decide to start setting up while I wait for C/N. I pull out my Bluetooth speaker, notebook, and pens, placing them onto the small table in the corner of the room. I turn to a page full of stretching routines, searching for one in particular and circling it with my red pen.

I take a look around the room, an anxious feeling starting to say I'm once I realize C/N still isn't here. I check the time and notice how close it is to the beginning of practice.

Maybe they aren't letting him see me tonight.

This will be the third practice in a row that he's not been allowed to watch me practice. I know this isn't something he can change, but I still can't help but feel a bit let down when he has to cancel on me last second.

My train of thought is interrupted when I hear my phone ringing. I decide to answer, seeing as I have a few minutes left before I start practicing


"Hey, Y/N. I'm so sorry I'm not there yet. I got into a fight with my parents again, but they finally are letting me see you again."

I feel my heart swell with joy, a giddy smile growing onto my face.

"I'm sorry you had a fight with your parents, C/N, but I'm glad you can come to see me again. I was honestly starting to get a bit worried with how long it had been."

I hear C/N's soft laugh and feel my heart skip a beat, my smile turning fond at the sound.

"Yeah, me too. I'm so happy they finally let me come see you again, though. I'm pulling into the parking lot now, so I'll see you in a second."


I end the call, connecting my phone to the Bluetooth speaker and finding the proper music to look like I'm doing something important. As I tap on the playlist, I hear the dance studio door open.

"Hey, Y/N."

I turn around, seeing C/N with a bright smile on his face. I light up, smiling widely and immediately pulling him into a hug. He quietly chuckles before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer. 

"I missed you a lot, you know."

A soft blush dusts my cheeks when he whispers in my ear. I smile shyly, muttering in agreement before slowly pulling away from the hug.

"Go ahead and sit down, C/N. I have a few new things to show you."

He grins excitedly, nodding and sitting down on the bench opposite to the large mirror on the wall. I, then, go through my playlist of practice songs and pick the song for the new dance routine I've been working on. The song starts to play and I quickly get into the starting position.


Y/N gets into the starting position, his focus switching to the dance as he begins dancing.

His body moves fluidly, making his movements seem effortless. His body language and facial expression show no signs of strain or difficulty, further enforcing the facade of simplicity in the dance.

When his face is visible in the mirror, I notice how he's quietly muttering the count to himself to keep track of the beat. I smile to myself, finding his subconscious habit endearing.

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