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*a group of hunters walked in to a saloon in vacuo looking around, a yellow hair girl went straight to the bar with a big smile*

Yang:hey I'll take Jack and coke

*The bartender ignored her and kept cleaning his glass. Yang's eye twitched and she asked again*

Yang:hello, are you deaf or something i said I'll take a jack and coke!

???:your not from around here are yah?

*Yang turned around to see a girl much shorter then her sitting on the bar she just finished her drink and placed her bandana on her mouth covering it before yang could see it*

Yang:what makes you say that?

Ruby:for one this place ain't got a large variety of drinks they only serve one thing cactus juice and second you city slicker he won't give you a spare glance if you don't show him you can make it worth his while

*Ruby said throwing some lien on the counter. The bartender went to her and refilled her shot glass, while that was happening the other members of team JWBY walked up to them*

Weiss:yang were here on a mission not for you to get drunk i mean honestly...

*They all heard something break they looked and the glass the short girl was drinking shattered from her force. The bartender raised and eyebrow and ruby just paid for the glass and another one to drink*

Yang:come on Weiss I'm doing important mission related who better to ask then people who live here!

Weiss:and you aren't you much to young to be in a bar?

Ruby:I'm gonna take a while guess and say your from atlas since only people from atlas have a stick that far up there ass

*Yang snorted loudly as Weiss looked furious at the younger girl who pulled down her bandana just enough to have her drink*

Weiss:excuse me?!

Ruby:you blonde boy

Jaune:uh yes?

Ruby:i think it's time you take control of your woman she's really starting to bug me and that's something you don't do in these parts

*Jaune blushed his words not finding him over ruby calling Weiss "his woman", if Weiss wasn't mad before she sure was now, she grabbed ruby by her collar and pulled her to her*

Weiss:what did you....?!

*Weiss breath hitched on her throat as she felt the cold tip of a revolver on her stomach, ruby just looked at her with bored eyes and a raised eyebrow as the team heard the sound of a rattlesnake rattle they looked and it was ruby's own tail doing the rattle*

Ruby:wrong move princess I'll let you off with a warning now let.go.

*Ruby said calmly as Weiss slowly lets her go and ruby puts her gun back on its holder as her tail calmed down*

Blake:sorry about my.... teammate she's very high strung

Ruby:just make sure to keep your human in a leash kitty cat

*Black flinched and looked at the mysterious girl surprised ruby for her part just shrugged*

Ruby:not hard to recognize the daughter of the rulers of menagerie kitty, especially when we've met before

Blake:se have?

Ruby:kinda, it was years ago my old man had a job request from your father and took me with him you were there with your mother we didn't really talk

Blake:oh uh...sorry can't seem to remember that

Ruby; don't surprise me non, i can only imagine how many meetings you had to go since they were too cheap to hire a babysitter

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