chapter 13

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*after showering and breakfast we see team Amazon walking to there first class, Pyrrha was off on her scroll texting somebody, ruby couldn't make heads or tail on how that thing works so she just talked with Ren while Nora was just being Nora*

Ren:I'm gonna guess You've never been in a classroom before

Ruby:you would guess wrong, I was in one of those things, what do you call em.... preschool yeah, i went to preschool, I should be fine anyhow

Nora:yeah I'm sure we'll build lots a blocks! Oh do you think that's what we'll do today? I hope that's what we do I want to build the biggest one ever and be queen of the castle!!

*Nora said legitimately exited as she skipped ahead, ruby looked at Ren*

Ruby; she's joking right? She knows I was joking, please tell me she knew I was joking

Ren:...... She's... Very energetic let's just leave it at that

*Ruby hummed and patted ren's back out of sympathy. They made it to the class and the team sat down. Ruby looked around they were the only ones there*

Ruby: there's a fire or something?

Pyrrha:oh uh, sorry I just like being early

*Pyrrha said playing with her fingers ruby was confused. She looked at Pyrrha with a raised eyebrow*

Ruby:why are you sorry about that?

Ren: were an hour early


*Ruby kept staring making Pyrrha play with her fingers faster looking at anywhere but ruby. She hummed as she got comfortable she took her new head and covered her face with it*

Ruby:do not wake me up or your auras will be on red and I put that on god

*Ruby muttered under her hat as she slept, not 5 minutes later did another team walked inside the room. Team JWBY saw team Amazon and walked up to them*

Jaune:hey guys

Pyrrha:oh! Jaune h..hello! What are you guys doing here? I mean of course your here for class as you all should be but normally you guys are the last to be here

*Pyrrha said blushing, fixing her hair as jaune looked at her and smiled completely innocent and not picking up the signs that pyrrha was throwing out*

Jaune:yeah, well you know how yang is with the whole... situation

*Jaune said glancing at his teammate Pyrrha did the same and of course yang was looking at the sleeping ruby. Pyrrha sighed*

Pyrrha: don't even think about it yang, remember what happened last time? Last thing we need is have you both in detention

*Yang flinched and bit her lip, she glanced down even sleeping ruby had her hand on the hilt of her gun at all times. No one could possibly know that's the only way ruby feels safe anymore when she sleeps*

Blake: let's... let's just all sit down and wait for class to start

Yang:you think the people on the tables above them would mind if we swapped?

Weiss:no. but the professors will, suck it up you'll get to see her at the end of class

*Weiss said as she sat down on her seat, Blake patted yang's back as she whined and sat down under the row of team Amazon*

Jaune:so...anybody know any good stories?

Ruby:how about the time I killed a family of 5?

*Jaune screamed like a girl as they all looked up, ruby took her hat off very much awake*

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