chapter 42

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Last time

* Ruby breath hitched softly as no matter if she closed her eyes or opened them it showed the same thing*

* Ruby breath hitched softly as no matter if she closed her eyes or opened them it showed the same thing*

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*Rattlesnake Jake smiling at her*

Jake:hello my little petal, it's been a long time hasn't it ?


*After a rough night of dealing with the specter of Ruby's dead owner, ruby was able to go to sleep from her body just shutting down at 4 in the morning*

6 am

*Ruby fell on the hot San with a groan feeling the blood starting to build up in her mouth, the sun was blocked from her small body as in front of her rattlesnake Jake was blocking the light*

Ruby:you slap like a girl, what's wrong? You forget how to slap while you've been gone?

Jake:my, someone gotten a bit of a mouth since I've been gone. Looks like I need to reteach you how to have some damn manners

*Jake said smirking, being inside Ruby's head, this illusion of Jake knew all that sass all that bravado, was just bluff. As he got closer to her rattling his tail. Ruby remained there frozen not being able to move*

Jake:my oh my does it feel good to be back

Ruby:your not back you're gone, your dead and I made sure your dead. Ak!

*Jake didn't appreciate his Property running her little mouth, he grabbed her by her neck and raised ruby up in the air. Ruby started scratching his arm trying to break free but she couldn't. Jake just had that twisted smile on his face as he looked at her*

Jake:oh, but for you I'm very much alive, living forever in your mind. Come on petal, I know how much you've missed this

*Jake said his once normal tone soon turned to a drunk slur and ruby could smell the cheap bear Jake would always drink. He pulled ruby close and kissed her, ruby remained still but Jake managed to overpower her and force his tongue inside her mouth. Ruby felt a chill down her spine as she felt Jake's hand going lower to her body about to touch her intimate area after so long*

Real world

*Ruby woke up with a small groan thankful that the drugs didn't leave her in a coma like state where she couldn't wake up, she flinched when she felt arms around her. Her mind still not caught up with her she freaked out*

Ruby:get away from me!!!

*Ruby yelled out of reflex pushing Pyrrha out of bed, Pyrrha woke up from a jump and groans loudly, she looked up with a frown*

Pyrrha:ruby what the he...ruby?

*Pyrrha said looking at ruby who was pushing herself to the corner her tail rattling fast, her whole body was trembling as tears automatically started falling from her face*

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