chapter 21

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*it was dawn when ruby made it back to campus. She and glynda walked to her team room both holding bags in silence. They opened the door and saw Ruby's team doing there evening routine, Nora was having a snack, Ren was reading a book and Pyrrha was doing yoga. Pyrrha looked up from the dog pose and smiled at ruby*

Pyrrha:well welcome back, how was you're day shopping?

Ruby:a total waste of time and money. With arguably not the worse company

*Ruby said forcing herself to be nice. Glynda smiled at ruby placing the bags on her bed*

Glynda:well I'm glad I wasn't the worse person you've spend time with miss rose

*Glynda walked to ruby and placed her hand on top of Ruby's head. Glynda being a woman ruby flinched but she didn't move it away*

Glynda:if you wish for my company again for anything, please don't hesitate to ask

*Glynda said with a calm smile as she walked away, ruby sighed and walked to her bed, she moved her pillow and grabbed defense taking a breath of relief feeling the warm grip of her gun making her already feel safer. She opened her nightstand and grabbed her gun self and that safeness she was feeling doubled as she placed them both on her handles on opposite sides of her hip*

Nora:wow there a lot more color here then I thought it would be

*Ruby turned her head and frown seeing Nora taking the new clothes she bought out of the bags*

Ren:Nora apologize to ruby

Nora:why did I do something bad?

Ren:yes, you shouldn't have look inside her bags without permission it was very rude

*Ren said with a calmness since he was used to Nora acting this way*

Nora:but she would've taken them out anyway I just helped her

Ren:that doesn't matter, it wasn't yours to take out. Even a small preach of trust can be hurtful now say your sorry

Nora:I'm sorry

Ren:and ruby, please forgive her, she was dropped on her head as a child killing the part of her brain that's responsible of shame

*Ren said ruby looked at both of them squinting slightly but ended up turning around and started putting her clothes on her side of the closet*

Ruby:just make sure it doesn't happen again

Nora:still why so much color? I would guess you would go for a more muted colors or black since black attracts the sun and you love the heat so much

*Nora said in her usual sugar high voice, ruby hummed putting her newly acquired undergarments in her drawer*

Ruby:I was forced by glynda to buy some clothes girls my age would apparently pick out

Pyrrha:and that's...bad?

Ruby:I'm not a normal 15 year old angel Jake made sure of that

*Ruby said in a bitter tone grabbing her flask and taking a swing of it with a satisfying 'ahh'*

Pyrrha:yes, I'm sorry for insinuating such a thing, uh well I hope you'll at least learn to like the clothes

Ruby:there clothes, what's there to like? As long as they cover up what there supposed to then it's fine

Nora:then tomorrow can you wear this?!

*Nora asked excitedly, Ren sighed and wacked nora for looking at the bags again and grabbing an article of clothing. Ruby glanced at the shirt it was a simply shirt but extremely pink with a rainbow design on the middle*

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