chapter 80

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Day's later

Blake:just talk to them, I'm getting tired of this

*Blake complained, we see them all at the camp sight, Over the past couple of days, team JWBY, Has been doing there mission, while ruby and Pyrrha, has been spending time together, making yang so jealous. We see yang with her arms crossed, seeing ruby and Pyrrha, at the distance, in the middle of a training fight*

Yang:I don't know what your talking about, it's just interesting, that's all, I would make a much better training partner for her

Weiss:you would make a good training dummy yes. I don't understand the problem

*Weiss said, picking at the fire with a stick, yang pointed to the problem right there, Jaune was with them, learning by seeing*

Yang:how come he gets to spend time with ruby, but I can't?! It's just bullshit. And how she follows her! Ruby been following Pyrrha around, for the last couple of days, like a little puppy

Blake:and you want her to follow you instead, we get it. My god even professor oobleck in his caffeine high, gets it. But nothing gonna change, if you don't talk to her.

*Blake said going back to there school work, since even if there on a mission, there still students, there not safe from homework. Yang sighed, and pouted for 20 minutes, till eventually, much to the relief of Blake and Weiss, yang walked up to them*

With ruby

*Ruby kicked Pyrrha's face, or tried to, Pyrrha grabbed her leg, and threw her to the ground. Ruby fell back, blood coming out of her mouth, as she tried to get up, but felt the tip of Pyrrha's weapon on her throat*

Pyrrha:now jaune, what did we learn?

Jaune:uh, that without a semblance, a fight can change dramatically?

*Jaune said nervously, since he was paying more attention to the fight then learning from it. Ruby moved the blade aside and got up, grabbing a bottle of water and cleaning the blood out of her mouth*

Pyrrha:no. That if you can get your opponent on the floor, you win, if your fast enough

Ruby:in a training fight maybe, if this was a real fight, I could've just used my semblance to speed away

*Ruby said with a shrug, Pyrrha rolled her eyes playfully, but other then that ignored her*

Pyrrha:Now, come up. It's your turn to fight

Jaune:uh, already? You sure? B..because, I think ruby would like a rematch,

*Jaune said nervously, on facing either of these two girl, who are powerhouses in there own right. Ruby rolled her eyes, not so playfully, and gave jaune an annoyed look*

Ruby:stop being a yellow belly, this is why that cardin asshole, keeps messif with you, what are you gonna do, when one of your teammates needs you? Just hide in your locker crying for mommy and daddy?

Jaune:h..hey I can fight just fine! Just not at the level of the two of you

*Jaune said trying to defend himself, but both of the girls didn't look convince*

Ruby:then prove it, fight angel over here, if it helps pretty boy, you can even borrow my guns

Jaune:really!? Cause, your Guns look so awesome, like some vampire could use it!

*Jaune said, smiling brightly, Pyrrha took Ruby's guns, to give to jaune, since she knew, ruby wouldn't be comfortable being so up close to him*

Pyrrha:fine, you can fight with them, once. But after that, you will train with your own weapon, you need to train and become better with them

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