chapter 91 + new story

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*it's been a few days since the last mission, there was only a week left till the semester was over, and things were tense between team amazon and team JWBY, more specifically Blake's hatred for ruby, ruby on the other hand didn't really care either way. No, ruby was just ignoring Pyrrha, which was working, since Pyrrha was ignoring ruby. Not for anything bad mind you, both were just embarrassed over the kiss, and haven't talked about it yet, since both didn't have the emotional intelligence to deal with it in a health manner*

With ruby

Ruby:and after Xiao long, ran away. The beowolves attacked me, mauling me, taking my whole arm and part of my torso, as you can see

*Ruby said. After much running and delaying, Ruby Rose was finally in her first therapy session*

Glynda:I see, and after the beowolves were finished with you?

Ruby:they weren't finished, they got killed, they got killed by that sick fuck of a snake

* spat out, Glynda was taking notes, on a number of thing of Ruby's reaction, from her not being able to say Jake's name,  to her body language, she was defensive In her tone, but closed off in her body language, hugging herself*

Glynda:I see, my mistake. Tell me what happened after that man killed the Grimm?

Ruby: he looked at me, he looked at my eyes, and saw what everyone sees when they see the silver in my eyes, potential. The potential to have silver eyes working for them, he made me a deal, let me die right there, or he'll save me. Heh what a fucking joke....

Ruby pov

*I said In a bitter tone, I knew that no matter what I chose, Jake would've taken me either way. I kept quiet for a bit, my gaze was glazed over, remembering that night. The night the devil went down to patch and he was looking for a soul to steal, sadly for me I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, since I was that soul, but he wanted more than just my soul, he took me, he took everything from me, mind, body and soul. My silence must've gotten to Glynda, since she broke the silence*

Glenda:ruby, you were tricked. You were just a little girl without any concept of the deal you were making, you....

Ruby:just believed that he was a good man trying to help

*I said with. An annoyed sigh looking at the ceiling, only good thing about today, was that it was oddly quiet up there, in my brain, not the ceiling I mean. They haven't been acting up, since I've been taking the damned pills regularly*

Ruby:yeah your not the first to tell me that crap. I know I did nothing wrong, I wasn't even 6 years old, I listened to Xiao long, because she was older and the one in charge, she left me to die because she got scared, that wasn't my fault. Then the beowolves started eating me alive, that wasn't my fault. Than life decided to give me a cruel joke, by sending in Jake to kill those fuckers, and told me he could save me, like the snake that he was, he was telling nothing but lies, that wasn't my fault. I took the deal, since you know I EAS A FUCKING CHILD! I took his help, and the rest is history. Nothing that happened to me that day, was my fault. I was just unlucky, life decided to use me as some sick joke to entertain itself. Argh. Why are we even talking about this? How the fuck is this suppose to "heal me"

*I said sarcastically, feeling my anger start to grow, the more I thought of what happened to me that night. But Glynda kept the same calm expression on her face*

3rd person

Glynda:because it's important that we address the trauma, it's a discussion that needs to be had. But our time is up, as I promised, if you accepted to talk, I would only hold you for one hour, but I feel like we've made some good progress, at making the first step

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