chapter 60

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* after so many years, so many close calls ruby's luck ran out. Ruby rose was locked in a cage again. Her misery didn't last long as the door opened and ruby heard footsteps walking towards her*

Ironwood:it's been a long time rose of vacuo, we have so much to catch up


*Grunting, ruby managed to sit up straight on the cage, leaning herself against the metal bars, she looked at the person who walked in*

Ruby: James ironwood, now that I get a good look at god your uglier then I remembered, and what's with the beard?

Ironwood:amusing, now I want you to tell me where my 700 million military project has run off too

*Ruby's tail started to rattle as Jake suddenly appeared next to James. A fake Jake, but all too real inside Ruby's mind, being caged again brought him out of her brain to play*

Jake: I would listen to him if I were you petal, just remember what he did last time

Ruby:the doctor is dead, so he can't do shit. And he knows that, I wonder how much did that now useless chip cost you?

*Ruby said with a weak laugh, winter and James looking at ruby as if she was crazy, talking to herself, which she was in the border of being*

James;enough of this, tell me where is project astro girl

*Ironwood said in a cold tone, ruby looked at him for a bit before beginning to laugh, her laugh was filled with sarcasm and venom*

Ruby:what makes you think, that I would ever do something for you?

Ironwood:think wisely, because the next words that come out of your mouth could decided your future

*Ruby didn't even wait, she spit on ironwood's boot, Jake's hand pass through the cage and slapped ruby, she felt a phantom pain on her cheek looking at a angry Jake*

Jake:that wasn't very nice petal. Apologize

*Fake Jake said, ruby just hissed at the both of them with every fiber of energy she had left*

Ruby:now, why would I ever do that.? I lost penny once, I failed her once. I'm not gonna do it again,

Jake:oh please, that thing is at real as me

Ruby:and she's the closest thing I'll ever have to the real thing. So if you think I'm gonna let her down again your out of my freaking mind. Now james if you want that information you'll have to kill me for it

*The door opened and another set of footsteps walked in. Ruby looked up and chuckled weakly, seeing there her former victim, the man who just hours before, ruby had her guns on his crotch, Jacques schnee himself. Jake disappeared for now, but he'll be back, he always comes back. Jacques looked down at her frowning, almost scowling at her*

Jacques;rose of vacuo, now that I see you up close. I'm surprised, I was expecting someone of your reputation to be a little more... Older

Ruby:Mr. Schnee in name only. Your shorter then I expected.

*Jacques went from almost scowling. To full on angry over Ruby's words. He snapped his fingers at his own daughter*

Jacques:open the gates, lord knows I've been waiting For this days for the last 4 years

Ruby:heh, pathetic. 2 little sentence and your already loosing your cool? Well what should I except, you see I didn't attack you without reason, I know quite a bit about you Mr. Schnee. Oh wait, I meant Mr. Smith

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